The Surprise | Teen Ink

The Surprise

September 26, 2013
By eeriick BRONZE, Jamestown, North Carolina
eeriick BRONZE, Jamestown, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m the type of person who doesn’t feel very comfortable when lying; I like to be more concrete and honest with everyone. There has been various times when I have felt like I have to, to cover for myself or a friend. One particular day I was sitting at home, somewhat bored and suddenly I receive a phone call from a friend saying that they’re going to make a surprise party to another friend of ours and they needed my help. I obviously accepted since he’s a really close friend of mine and I liked the idea.
The thing was for everyone to pretend like they didn’t know or remembered so he wouldn’t get suspicious. We’ve been working at the same place for a couple of years and we’ve gotten used each other. He’s the type of person who is always talkative and friendly; one of those people who have a way with words, unlike me. The surprise was going to be at his favorite restaurant as he always talked about how good their food is there. I was the one chosen to purchase the birthday cake and I knew it had to be a good one so I went to a Mexican Bakery nearby where they sell cheap but very delicious “Tres Leches” cakes. I know for a fact they are good because I have bought from there before.
On my way to the restaurant, my friends were calling me asking where I’m at and how long I’ll take to get there. The thing was for everyone to be there before he got there. I arrived and we sat down to wait. He was to arrive with his wife; he didn’t know we were going to be there as well. We were sitting there waiting for about forty minutes and he just wouldn’t arrive, we started to get worried.
We suddenly receive a phone call from his wife saying that they’ve been hit by another vehicle on the way to the restaurant. We all got scared but she said it wasn’t anything severe but they wouldn’t be able to make it to the restaurant. One of our friends went to pick them up since their car was totaled. We arrived at his house to see how he was doing, gave him some presents and ate some cake, then we left to let him rest.

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