Differences | Teen Ink


September 26, 2013
By breezy1127 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
breezy1127 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why did Ms. Banks pair me up with this freak, outsider, and lame? If she thought I was going to do a project with her she had to be out her mind. Ms. Banks partnered me with Lizie Wright, the weirdest of the weirdest. She had run down clothes but always had a smile on her face; I always wondered how could you seriously be happy looking like that? I never understood that at all.
Why do I, Bianca Woods have the most prettiest and popular at school have to work with Lizie? Who’s definitely lame and at the very bottom of the social list. The project was on spending every afternoon with your partner for a month to learn facts about them. This was going to be a long month ahead of me.
Today Lizie was visiting my house for the first time. I was not looking forward to this at all. We had nothing in common, obviously she did not like to shop considering the clothes she wore and anyone who knows me knows that shopping in my passion. A few minutes later I heard a run down car pull up in my driveway then after the door shut sped off. I walked to the door as I heard the doorbell ring. When I opened the door Lizzie looked extremely joyful and I felt the total opposite. Of course I was not going to be rude to her so I put on a fake smile got the keys to my dads BMW and Lize and I were off to the putt putt.
As we were riding my favorite song by Miley Cyrus started playing. Next thing I knew Lize was singing along with me. I was so surprised none of my friends do not like her at all. She said that she adored Miley Cyrus! I wonder what other things we have in common. This project might be better than I thought.

The author's comments:
Differences can sometimes bring people together

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