One Wish... | Teen Ink

One Wish...

October 7, 2013
By Abby Melnick BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Abby Melnick BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Of course, Ally would be late to get on the bus. The whole class was waiting on her. I knew Ally didn’t want to come on this trip, but she didn’t have to make a big scene in front of everyone.

“All chaperones to the back of the bus!” shouted Mrs. Harrison as she checked everyone’s name off of her clipboard.

Ally walked passed Claire and gave her an evil look. “I guess she’s still not over homecoming.” Claire whispered cautiously.

“Try being her step sister!” I replied humorously. As we drove towards the airport, Claire and I mapped out everything that we wanted to do and the places we wanted to see on our free days during the field trip. We both agreed that visiting the Trevi fountain was a must! Once we finally made it to the airport after a two hour bus ride and went through security, we sat down for the long flight to rome. I picked the seat on the end since I tend to get up a lot during plane rides. Claire got the middle seat as usual. We looked over to see who was sitting in the window seat. Claire quickly turned to me and screamed like she had seen a ghost.

“What is it Claire? Are you ok?” I said in concern as I patted her on the shoulder.

“she looks exactly like you Rosie! Don’t you see it?” Claire replied, a little too sure of herself.

“She doesn’t look anything like me!” I replied. I was honestly still recovering from Claire obnoxious and unnecessary scream. Now, I did kind of think we looked alike, but I wasn’t going to admit that. We had to wait for about a half an hour because the plane stopped in California on the way to rome, and some people had to get of the plane.
The girl in the window seat lugged her Louis Vitton over our legs as she headed of the plane. “Off to my vacation home!” she yelled.
Once we landed eight hours later and got back to the hotel Mrs. Harrison announced that today was our free day to do whatever we wanted, but… we had to have a chaperone come with us, and just my luck, we were assigned to Ally. Claire and I already knew that that we wanted to go to the Trevi fountain and Ally wanted to go shopping. It didn’t really matter what Ally wanted to do because she was the chaperone, and the chaperones had to do whatever we wanted to do. We rented mopeds and rode to the fountain. We closed our eyes and each threw a coin, and made a wish. I wished for something exciting to happen, something to make this trip even more memorable. As I turned around there was a mob of people surrounding me asking for autographs and pictures. I turned to ally and Claire, “what’s going on?” I asked. They looked just as confused as I was. People were surrounding me yelling “Malece!”, “Malece!”.

Ally asked someone to borrow their magazine. “They think you’re this model on the cover!” Ally said.

“That’s the girl the was on our plane! She must have been going on vacation straight from a fashion show!” said Claire.

“What? Me?” I replied. “What if I pretended to be Malece until she got back?” I thought to myself.

Claire agreed. “Well, this is your chance to do something amazing while you’re here! Your wish came true!”

“Are you insane Rosie?” Ally said chiming in to our conversation. “You could get in so much trouble Malece finds out.”

Ally had always been extremely stubborn about everything. I decided it would be fun, something different and adventurous. I played along, signed autographs, did meet and greets, and went to every scheduled photo shoot. While I was gone everyday, Claire was the best friend ever and covered for me by telling Mrs. Harrison I was sick. I would wake up every morning grab some coffee and head to the salon to get my hair and makeup done for my daily photo shoot. For never having modeled before I though I was pretty darn good at it. I got to model for some of the most famous designers in the entire world. It was like a dream come true for me.

It was a Sunday, I was at the Colosseum for my last photo shoot of the week when the photographer drove up in a black stretch limo. As soon as he got out, he instantly knew that I wasn’t the real Malece.

“Where is the REAL Malece?” the designer shouted in very strong Italian accent.

I tried to go along with the plan but I gave it. “I made a wish! It’s a long story.”I said. He went on and on lecturing me. To me it just sounded like a bunch of blah blah blah because I couldn’t understand what he was saying since he had such a strong accent. But the one thing I did understand was that he ended with “You and malice are BOTH fired!!” I felt so bad.” What am I supposed to tell Malece when she comes back from vacation?” I thought to myself worriedly. Malece came back later that evening and I explained he whole thing to her. She was really angry at first but then that anger turned into sadness. I felt so bad because I knew it was all my fault. I wanted to do something special to make it up to her. I read in a magazine that she loved the Italian gelato from the store Cici’s gelato. Later that day I called up Malece on the phone and asked her if she if she wanted to go with me to get some gelato. “it would be my treat.” I said. She gladly agreed to come.

The next day I had to fly home with the rest of my class. “That sure was trip to remember I though to myself.

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