Rejection | Teen Ink


October 25, 2013
By ralo229 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
ralo229 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I reject your pity. I reject your sorrow. I reject your apologies. I reject your sympathy. I reject you. I will always reject you. Why? Because you rejected me. After all we’ve been through, you treat me like I’m just some guy that you don’t even know. After helping get through your toughest issues, you just sit there and act like they never happened at all. I was there for you every step of the way. Not because I was trying to be nice, but because I cared about you. But the question, were you ever there for me? What have you done for me? What have you helped me get through? You know, I take it back. You’re not stupid. I am. I’m stupid for thinking that we were truly friends and I’m stupid for thinking that you were a decent person. Don’t show me your pity, sorrow, apologies, or sympathy because you know that I’ll just reject them. I’ll reject them like you rejected me.

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