Waiting for the Bus | Teen Ink

Waiting for the Bus

October 21, 2013
By BrokenRoses SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
BrokenRoses SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's hard to show who I really am to even my closest friends, but when I write poetry, I reveal who I am to myself, and that's all that matters."- Me

It's different when you are out alone on a cold night waiting for a bus. There is no one to distract you from not being able to move for fingers. There is no one to lean on when you get tired of standing up, when the struggle of keeping your legs from collapsing underneath you becomes too real. No one to share a drink with when you get thirsty. You find yourself utterly aware of all the people around you, making sure no one sneaks up behind you in an attempt to steal your purse or your phone. You realize that, even though there are all of these people around you, you still feel like the loneliest person on the face of the Earth. But when the bus comes, you find that you are closer to finishing your journey, that you are closer to another event that will surround you with people who will distract you from your troubles, and maybe even your life. And, you will one day be standing at another bus stop again, feeling the same way.

The author's comments:
I wrote all of this while waiting for the bus, I tried not to change anything.

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