the day death takes control | Teen Ink

the day death takes control

October 29, 2013
By Anonymous

Their voices higher than the clouds, making everything in this house pound. They're screaming so loud, almost eating each other, not even noticing I'm here. The thing they don't know is that it's their voices against themselves. The words they shout hurt, feeling like they are biting each other with words. The loud sound of them shouting in each others faces hurt my ears. They look like animals fighting wildly. Insulting, hurting, killing each other slowly with their voices. Not one day has passed by without a fight. Never have we enjoyed the ability to listen to the silence. Peace has never over powered this house, haunted by clowns surrounding this funhouse. The dictator he think he is, ruler of her life. Each tear that falls down her face shatters when it hits the ground, filling her heart with darkness. Threats being made back and forth while I sit here trying to black them out, but it's impossible. The rumors spread throughout the neighborhood. The people talk but they can say what they want. Far away we were one day, but the next, there he was. Reappearing in my life once again and for always. Entering my house and seeing him, my worst nightmare laying on the couch just having a beer. Disgusting. All the dirtiness revolves around us. Their hate gets stronger by each heartbeat. I can't take it anymore, I can't stand that they have to put me in the middle of it. One of these days I'm going to hit the road and never come back. Never let the past get ahead of myself, just gonna leave the past behind. But I'm afraid to, scared that if I do the will both end up dead, floating in a puddle of blood. I cant take it so i explode. Getting in between them so it doesn't get any further than this. What have you done to this family? You've destroyed us. You have blocked our screams for help, closing the door, stopping the light from shining. It's too late to back down now. The blade i stare at, the blade that has cut her veins each and every night. One day I walk in to find her laying in a pool of blood with her eyes wide open. A tear escapes her eyes as I kiss her on the cheek. Goodbye, I say. I'm sorry it had to end this way.

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