NO! To School Uniforms | Teen Ink

NO! To School Uniforms

November 5, 2013
By rayray14 BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
rayray14 BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Across New York State schools are being faced with the proposal of school uniforms. Some people think having uniforms is a positive thing and others think it's a negative thing. Some schools in New York State already have uniforms but not all should.

Most importantly no uniforms means freedom. If you had uniforms, children would not have a way to express themselves. Having uniforms would take away the children's rights of dressing how they want. Parents spend lots of money on clothes for their children, and if the could only be worn on weekends it would be pointless.

In addition, schools do not have enough money as it is, and having uniforms would just take more money away. For one set of uniforms it costs about 100-130 dollars. The average family usually doesn't have extra money for that. In many families there is more than one child so that means double the cost. If the school were to pay for the uniforms it would be impractical because that money should be used to fun sports and art and music programs. Uniforms don't make the students improve their work it just gets them annoyed.

Finally, all children are different. When some are hot others are cold. A uniform consists of thirteen items. There is four tops, four bottoms, four pairs of socks, and one other accessory such as a fleece. All these close may not be warm enough or too warm for ones preference. If there were no uniforms everyone could dress how they want and be at a comfortable temperature.

Not all schools should have uniforms. Schools cannot afford them and it is unfair to the students. Imagine if you had to wear a uniform and blend in with the rest of this world.

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