Before the Bell Rings | Teen Ink

Before the Bell Rings

November 6, 2013
By hayleyalexander BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
hayleyalexander BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All around us people chatter and mill. Best friends giggle. Couples kiss. Druggies wander. Exes avoid each other. For this is the nature of high school. “Get to class!” teachers exclaim, but I know that we have several minutes to spare. Hallways empty slowly, but we keep talking on, unaware of the time. I only focus on you and your crooked smile and messy hair. Just a minute longer, I pray. Kindly the bell holds off long enough for me to make you laugh. Laughing is always brighter when I laugh with you. Menacing and final, the thought of the bell looms in my brain, distracting me from you. No, just appreciate the time we have! Opportunities like this don’t come along every day. Playing it cool, I “coincidentally” ran into you this morning. Quiet at first, but you soon warmed up to my quirky charms. Rrrring!!!!! Suddenly the bell blasts us out of our flirtation. Tearing down the hallway, we race to get to class. Under pressure, already late. Veer to the left, I ditch my class to run with you a little bit longer. Worth it. X-rays are unneeded to tell that I have a thing for you.” Yes, Mrs. Smith, I know I’m late.” Zero regrets.

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