Broken | Teen Ink


November 6, 2013
By MirakalJackson BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
MirakalJackson BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why cry over someone who wouldn't dare cry over you?"

There stands a girl broken, heart into shreds, in the palm of a
young man. There stands a girl torn, mind preparing for suicide, a gun in her
palm. But yet, there stands a girl raised up in a Christian church, but has lost
faith in God. She looks around, and says “Where are those friends that swore
they would always be there?” However, those friends have not been found. She
looks up, as salty drops of pain fall to the ground. As the ground absorbs her
devastation, she continues to absorb the negative comments and gossip spread
throughout the school. She questions life with rhetorical literary devices
like many who question God.

She runs to and through the woods, seeking comfort from nature.
As a cool breeze makes her pores open, causing hairs to stick up throughout her
body… she looks up, the eyes of a bear meets hers. Her life flashes before her,
but there’s no fear. Why? Because she’s been crushed so far into the depth of
the earth’s crust from the miserable aches of life. She expresses to the bear,
“Kill me! I have no intention to live anymore! What’s the point of living with
such pain? It’s as if I’m receiving a paper cut over and over in the same exact
place on the same crevice of my flesh.” As the bear looks at her, it takes one step
forward. Heart pounding, she takes one step forward also. As the bear swings, its
sharpened nails meets her center throat... Ending her life at that very second.

The author's comments:
Phases in my life that I'm going through as a teenager inspired me to write this piece. I feel like someone out there is going through this and I just wanted to express my emotions and thoughts into words for them and connect to nature at the same time.

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