OMG...MOM!! | Teen Ink


November 1, 2013
By Shii-Shii BRONZE, New York,NY, New York
Shii-Shii BRONZE, New York,NY, New York
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They way my mom treats me makes me feel like I’m behind jail bars. Sometimes, I get the urge to tell her off, but she always talks over me or yells at me. At times when I can’t take it anymore, I think about hitting her or nudging her away, and telling her to, “LEAVE ME ALONE!!”

My mom’s concern for my safety is understandable. I live in a very unsafe neighborhood, where a lot of bad things happen, but I already know I have to stay away from that. Where I live, a lot of people know because of my father, and I know that they will never let anything happen to me. My mom just doesn’t understand that.

One day, I had asked my mom if I could go outside for a little while, and she said no. I was really bored at home, so I asked if I could go to my father’s house. I had to talk to my mom on the phone all the way to my father’s house and then I could hang up. I had on my doggy blue shirt, my black jeans, and my blue and white Jordans. I had my hair in a bun with my blue headband. It was kind of cold outside, and barely anyone was outside. I was a little surprised because there are always at least a few people outside, but there wasn’t.

That night, at my father’s house, I was hanging out with my step sister, my 3 cousins, and my 2 little ones. It was 5 girls and only 2 boys there in the hallway. 3 of my cousin are triplets. Their names are Talya, Jamie, and Lovell. My other cousin is Nicole. They are all older than me. My 2 little cousins are Iessa and Myles, they are 4 and 6 and my step sister’s name is Tylen and she is 7. All of us were in my dad’s hallway hanging out and cracking jokes. When they all went home, me and my step sister went inside the house. My dad had told me that my mom had called him going crazy because she had thought that I went outside and that she wanted me to go home. I was really mad because I didn’t want to go home, and also this was my weekend to spend with my dad. My dad was also very mad because this was his weekend for him to see and now I had to go home.

After a while, my mom started realizing how bored I was at home, and she started letting me go outside. She just had to know where I was, who I was with, and when I would be coming home. My mom also started letting me get on the train and the bus when I wanted to go somewhere with my friends.

I know my mom loves me a lot and cares a lot for me and my safety. Me and my mom’s relationship is not that strong at all. She never asks me how I feel. All of my life, it just all been about rules. I wish my mom would put more effort into talking to me and asking me how I feel other than telling me what to do and how to do it. Even though, she’s changed about her rules, our relationship still hasn't changed.

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