The Roller Coaster | Teen Ink

The Roller Coaster

November 1, 2013
By majalync BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
majalync BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Come on, it's so fun." My friend said.
"I guess, if you say so!"
"Yes!" She said so eagerly. I really did not want to go on. We were at 6 Flags in Chicago, my friend's hometown. We waited in line. I was shaking back and forth. You could notice my anxiety from a mile away. As the line was moving faster, I was one step closer to the ride! The wait in line went be so fast, before you know it, we were next!
"No, I can't go on!"
"Please?" she pouted jokingly. A girl next to us carefully examined me, from my tie die shirt to my grey converse. I sat there wondering what she thought. I walked right through the gate. I sat down and pushed the lap bar onto my legs. My heart was racing and a rush of adrenaline bursted through my body. Lots of thoughts ran through my head, such as, "Why did I go on this?!" The operator said "enjoy your ride!" The slow creaking of the ride as we moved uphill was terrifying. My friend turned and said to me, "Don't look down." My hands gripped to the lap bar as we moved downward, my stomach in knots, my butt not even touching the seat! Though I was scared, I faced my biggest fear and I loved it.

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