Cyber Bullying Must Stop | Teen Ink

Cyber Bullying Must Stop

November 7, 2013
By Golfboyz BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Golfboyz BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Always go to people's funerals or they won't come to yours"

Jack was a 17 year old boy who went to Wawasee High School in Wawasee, IN. Now jack was a pretty popular guy. He played football and basketball. He was even on Honor Roll! But December 7, 2011, is a day he will never forget. The day before was a normal day, with about 3 inches of fresh show on the ground. He got ready and hopped on the bus. That’s when it started. The bus driver started driving without Jack getting in his seat. And what do you know. Jack had some nice hot coffee he brought with him. He jerked forward a spilled it all over his rival, Stewart Hinkleman. This was a big problem. At Wawasee High, if you were friends with the populers you would either hand with Jack or Stewart It was basically law that you couldn’t be friends with both.

Stewart’s face turned bright red screaming “Ow! What do you think you are doing?”

“I’m sorry,” Jack continued trying not to laugh his heart out,”I tripped, Didn’t mean to do it honest.”

“You’re going to pay for this,” Stewart said grimly.

Later that day, Jack got dirty glares from all of Stewart's friends. He even got some from his own friends! He found a bunch of nasty notes and trash in his locker. People spitting at him and shoving him. Finally the school day was over.
He decided to walk home because he didn’t want to go on the bus. On the way home, some of the seniors heard what happened and pretended to run him over. Their car screaming down the street, as they laugh like hyenas. He gets home to find the trash knocked all over the driveway with pieces of paper attached to them saying: LOSER, STUPID, JERK, and other mean words in big bold letters.He walked in his house. Nobody is home. He goes out and picks up the trash so his parents don’t have to. His mom gets home an hour later.
“How was your day Jack?” she asks with a smile that could light up anyone’s face. But not Jack’s.
“It was good,” he said trying to avoid any other questions. He walks warily into his room and gets on his phone to check Instagram. All of a sudden he gets tagged in all of these black pictures or pics of him. All of them from kids at school. they say,”Look at this retard. He is the worst of the worst. Nobody should be friends with him. He doesn’t deserve any friends.” Even one of his best friends, Karl Stevens, joins in. What is going on? He thinks to himself. I can’t take this. He goes on Instagram and his Facebook. He writes: Well, this is it. You have made me come to this. I will never see any of you again. R.I.P. He waits and to see what people will say. He waits and waits and waits. Then, he hears his phone goes crazy with buzzes. He stares as it says: NO! What are you doing?!? He hears a knock on the door. It was Karl. “
“Dude, what are you doing?” he asked with great care on his face.
“I can’t take it anymore,” Jack said dejectedly.
“I’m so sorry man, I’m here for you,” he said.


This is an example of how bullying can affect someone, especially a friend. Stand up for what is right and take a stand. Hopefully everyone has a friend they can talk too, but if they don’t, you can be that friend.

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