The Girl Who Could Have Died | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Could Have Died

November 20, 2013
By perla101 BRONZE, Cupertion, California
perla101 BRONZE, Cupertion, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be who you want to not what others want you to be

One day here was an 8 year old girl watching the tv.She was watching a movie about a famous british boy band.She loved them she had a favorite even if he was 21 years old. She liked them so much she had a backpack and a lunch box of them.They lived in a two story house in a beautiful town.They had a 5 bedroom house with a 3 bathrooms.They had a lot of things that they had brought from Mexico from the year before.It was in the hot summer that day.Her older sister was upstairs talking with her friend .Her older sisters name was Danyella. She was telling her friend “OMG Carol is so annoying she always wants to hang out with us and our cousins.” Carol had yelled out “Danyella I made food for you and your friend do you want it now or later.” There was no answer.She then yelled it out again. Then Danyella yelled “yes thanks can you bring it up now and stop the move we will all watch it later.Carol then said “ok” Carol had to take one plate at a time so she wouldn’t drop it , then she would bring 2 cans of pepsi up for them to drink.Danyella’s friend then said “Carol is so nice why are you so mean to her sometimes.”Danyella said “I have no idea why I do that “After she brought the food to them upstairs she went back down to get the door.It was her cousin Karena she let her come in . Karena the said “where is Danyella?” carol then pointed upstairs.Then Carol went upstairs with Karena.Then Karena said “leave onone wants you here!” Then she pushed Carol out of Danyella’s room.Carol then went to her room and put a music video of One Direction. Carol said “I like louis” Danyella said “I like Niall” Karena said “ I like Harry and Harry is way better than all them” Danyella and her friend and Carol were all confused they didn’t know why she had said that.Karena then told Carol to make her food because she was hungry. Carol was very scared of Karena she would hit her for no reason. Danyella was scared to stand up for Carol.;she thought Karena would do something to her too. Danyella’s friend didn’t know what karena can do to her.Danyella’s friend really wanted to stand up for Carol.Then Karena came in and told Danyella’s friend to leave. Carol then came in and yelled at Karena “you can’t boss us around. I have all what you have been doing to us on video.We will make sure you will get into big trouble.” Karena got so mad she was decided to leave but then she fell on the stairs and was left on the floor down stairs for bit. At first Carol and Danyella felt bad for her but then they started to yell at her “ what you get for all the things you do to people.” They then left her there for some time before they called anyone about what had happen. After then had come for Karena Carol and Danyella showed the video and pictures of all Karena would do when they weren't there.Karena didn’t know that her sister knew about what had happen.she also didn’t know that she wasn’t getting an IPhone any more for her birthday that was in one week.For what she had done but something bad was also going to happen her sister was also going to delete texting app from her IPod touch. She won't be able to text people for a long time. Time then passed Dayella and Carol didn’t see her ever again or did they no they didn’t.

The author's comments:
I did this because I thought it would bring out what some people do to younger kids that is not nice at all.

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