It's a blue day | Teen Ink

It's a blue day

December 4, 2013
By Anonymous

It’s a Blue Day

Same boring day as the one before, except for the fact that Dom had to go get some cash from his bank. So, he gets out of his bed and heads straight to the bank wearing his blue sweatpants and blue sweatshirt. In the process of withdrawing the last of his 200 dollars, he hears a panicked yelp followed by a man dressed in all blue clothes yelling, “Everybody empty your pockets and move to the northeast corner of this building now!”

After everybody complies and rush over to the corner he walks over by the bunch of people and asks who the person in charge of this bank is. Not really wanting to admit it a gal in a tan colored suit who is shielding herself on the ground holds up her shaking hand just above her head. The man in blue grasps her wrist and drags her behind the teller counter, where he demands that she give him the code to the giant safe. The lady stays strong at first and says no but, after one fist to the face she cracks and gives him the code.
No sooner then he stuffed all the money into a big duffle bag his two buddies in the same blue suits come running in saying, “Sirens are coming this way we better get out of here.”
“Alright, let’s head out the back into the alley” said one of the men in the blue suits.
As they turn their backs two men in the clump of scared people stand up, guns drawn and order them to drop whatever weapons they have. The men in the blue clothes just start to laugh at the hostages that are standing up to them. Not knowing that the two brave men are ex- marines they continue to turn around, a second after they do a bullet whizzes past on of their heads and shatters a flower pot on a ledge. The blue clothes men now knowing these guys are serious turn around and comply with the two men and drop all their weapons. Once they get the three men restrained they look around and point their guns at Dom and they tell him to get up and come over by them.

Dom not disagreeing with the armed men gets up and walks over, the guys restrain him and put him along with the other blue suited men. Two of the ex-hostages run out the front door to tell the cops that they restrained the men and its safe to come in.

Once the cops come in and put the men in handcuffs, Dom is trying to explain to the cops that he wasn’t part of this and had nothing to do with it. The cops don’t listen to him and still place him under arrest. As the cop is throwing Dom into the back of the squad car he says, “And I thought today was gonna be another boring day like the one before.”

The author's comments:
I was forced to write a flash fiction piece so, this is what came out.

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