Stemma Lane | Teen Ink

Stemma Lane

December 4, 2013
By lexigoesrawrx33 BRONZE, Williamsburg, Virginia
lexigoesrawrx33 BRONZE, Williamsburg, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 9:00 on a Friday night when I decided to go outside for a walk. I had a lot on my mind with my family and friends being completely stupid and rude to me, so I thought I’d go out for a walk just to relax myself. I was on a back road called Stemma Lane which was ever so dark that I couldn’t see anything at all without my flashlight. Suddenly, I saw this car coming that seemed to be moving about 90 mph. The people had to be drunk in order to be moving that fast or they were just plain stupid. I watched as it moved, and then there was a random person in the middle of the road.

When they saw the girl they swerved and tipped the car over and ran into a big tree. The car almost hit me, but luckily I dodged out the way in time. I flashed my light all around, especially where the girl was standing, but there was nothing. At that moment, I was really scared and I started running back home. The weird thing is, when I’m at the movies I laugh scary scenes, but now I was frightened. Maybe because most of the time it’s not real. I don’t even know. I was just really scared.
I walked through the front door and my mom was already shouting. “Leda, get your butt in here before I take everything you own!” My mom always threatened to take my stuff and it really irritated me. If she really did, I would die. It was bad enough I barely have friends, but now she was trying to take my music and keep me from talking to my friends that are there for me? It was Friday too, so no. “Yeah right,” I thought outloud.

I went to go to my mom and started shouting at me because I didn’t dust. I just walked away because I didn’t want to deal with her screaming at me. Of course, she pulled me back and smacked me dead in the face. “Don’t ever walk away from me when I’m talking to you. Do you understand?” she said to me. I nodded while holding my cheek. I left and went to go dust but my mind was on something other than dusting or the fact that my mother just slapped me. So many question were running through my head like “Where did that girl come from?” or “Was it a spirit or was it human?” I was clueless.

After I did all of my chores and took a shower, I went to go lie down on my bed still thinking about that girl. After all of that, I ended up falling fast asleep with my ear buds in my ear.

It was 11:30am when my mom started yelling at me to get up. I slowly got up and went to get some breakfast. As I walked downstairs, my dad was watching the news about the same exact car crash that happened the night I was walking. One happened to be alive but severely injured and the other 2 died. “It’s a shame that young guys think it’s funny to just drive over the speed limit,” said dad.
“Yeah, but obviously, they don’t know what they’re doing and make stupid mistakes such as that,” Mom remarked.
“That’s true. I wonder what caused it. The news reporters said they didn’t know what could have caused someone to crash that hard into a tree. They couldn’t just crash without something causing it.”

At that moment I wanted to say something but I knew that they wouldn’t take me seriously. At least I don’t think they would. I sighed heavily and started talking.

“I know what happened,” I said

“And what makes you think you know?” said dad.

“Well, I was out last night going for a walk on that very road if you didn’t remember me telling you.”

“Well, what did you think happened?”

“As I was walking and saw the car moving around 90 mph, there was a girl in the middle of the road, so they swerved off the road and ran into a tree. When I went to go look around for the girl, she was gone. She didn’t scream or anything. She just stood there while the car was going. I actually believe she was a ghost.”

“Leda, I highly doubt that it could be a ghost. Do you actually believed in that? You’re 12. Don’t you know how to grow up?” my mom said.

“Well, I know for sure it wasn’t a real person,” I said.

“Well it’s not a ghost. I don’t know what it might be. Maybe a deer. Don’t think stupid.” Mom said.

“Don’t be so hard on her,” dad said.

“Well, maybe if she’d grow up, then I won’t.”
“Well, maybe it was a deer,” he said hesitantly.
I was frustrated and my dad could tell that I was. He came over and hugged me saying “I know your mother is hard on you but don’t believe in that nonsense. Ghosts aren’t real” He kissed my forehead and left to go to work.
It was not a great feeling knowing my parents didn’t believe me.

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