Diesel The Bull Meets The Vet | Teen Ink

Diesel The Bull Meets The Vet

December 4, 2013
By Cowgilrlt BRONZE, Monroe, Washington
Cowgilrlt BRONZE, Monroe, Washington
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I’m Diesel and I was born about 4 months ago to my amazing mommy named Sadie, we are both purebred Murray Grey bovines that live on the Riverside Sunset Ranch. Except I don’t know my daddy’s name, those two- legged things with heartbeats that feed me just say I was an ABS baby. Today mommy says I have to be really good because the Vet is coming to see me at the farm, it is the first time I have ever met him, although I cant necessarily say I am shaking in my boots because I don’t wear boots, but I can always say I am shaking in my hoofs. Around noon I was awoken by a special treat, it was grain. I’ve only had that sweet, crunch, delicious stuff a few times before and I was so excited, until the two legged things put this uncomfortable rope thing all over my head. Then the worst thing yet… they put me inside of a cold metal chute. Now I was really terrified to meet this Vet guy, and I was sweating pretty badly, my mommy could sense how nervous I was and started screaming at the two legged things to stop hurting me. Mom woke up all the family in the herd and now not only was mom screaming but so was all my other family. Then I saw him… the Vet… I now knew what all the cows on the block were talking about and why he was un-liked. The truck he was driving had the most unpleasant smell, and I thought that I caught a whiff of blood. He got out of the truck and started grabbing all these things, he was carrying a big metal box, I don’t know what was in it but I’m not entirely sure that I ever in my life wanted to find out. There was also some thing that was dangling around his neck and I think he was going to use it on me. Then something I didn’t like the look of at all he had a bunch of needles and syringes that he got out of the back seat of his truck, I hoped that he would use the needles on the dogs that were always biting at my legs and annoying me but mommy told me otherwise. Now I was really scared I started bucking and kicking trying to get out but the stupid two legged thing put me in the chute and I couldn’t move very far and I for sure couldn’t run away from the Vet. I’m not all to sure why mom told me I had to be good today didn’t she know how scary the Vet is, didn’t she know he was going to have lots of torture instruments with him, and most importantly didn’t she know he was going to stab me with needles. Wasn’t she worried, wasn’t she scared like I was? The two legged one who always feeds me just kept saying “It’s okay Diesel, calm down. The Vet is not going to hurt you he just wants to make sure you’re a healthy little boy.” No one knew though, not a two legged thing or cow one knew, this Vet was here to KILL me, not even the horse or chickens warned me, today is the day that I will DIE. Here he came with a needle and a syringe that had the medicine that was going to kill me in it, and stab it was in my neck before I could even ask him not to do it, not to KILL me. A few minutes later I became sleepy and calm now I knew he just wanted me to go to sleep for a little bit, and although I never went to sleep the Vet never seemed as scary to me anymore just like he was my friend. He wasn’t that bad and he didn’t even hurt me, there was a time that he took some of the blood out of my neck but I didn’t feel it at all, it was as if time was standing still in my world but in the Vet’s it just kept on going. After the Vet was all done with everything I started to be completely conscious again and now I wasn’t afraid of the Vet anymore, he even gave me these little treats that tasted even more like heaven than the grain did. After the Vet left the farm I was so hyper because of all the sweet foods I got to eat all day long and I was running all over the farm. I now had the freedom of the ranch and could run as fast as the wind away from the two-legged things but I didn’t want to because they gave me all the grain and the treats that were so yummy during the day. My mommy and the rest of the family all yelled at me when I got back into the pasture they were so happy to see me, except for my cousins were laughing at me and calling me a baby because I was so scared to meet the Vet. Then my Auntie told me it was okay because they all acted the same way the first time they had to meet the Vet. Before I went to bed that night I told my mommy that I would never be afraid of the Vet again because he really didn’t hurt me and I got yummy treats if I was good for him.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by my little bull Thunder to write this story the first time he got to meet the vet it was so funny and this is definately based off of something that actually happened and it made my day when all of this happend so i wrote a story about it and used it for an assignment in my English class

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