Maleficent | Teen Ink


December 11, 2013
By LizzieeNicole BRONZE, Herrin, Illinois
LizzieeNicole BRONZE, Herrin, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life to the fullest. Be yourself, always.

Man, chemo again! These poor lungs obviously can't help me win anymore. But maybe, just maybe if I hit the jackpot, I can pay off these bills from St. Mary's. Doc said I have to quit smoking. His exact words were, "Cody, those cancer sticks are killing you son..." All I could do was say. "Damn, all those years, I never thought it would be me with lung cancer." Turns out life can get tougher. So I grab my cash, head to the casino, put my money down and say, "1,000 dollars in chips, please."

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece for one of my class projects, my teacher told us to base it off of someone we know very well. I chose to base it off of my boyfriend.

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