Bully the Bob | Teen Ink

Bully the Bob

December 13, 2013
By yoogieman BRONZE, Saratoga, California
yoogieman BRONZE, Saratoga, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bob was an 8th grade student at Casper middle school with brown hair, freckles, and green eyes. He just calls himself an innocent kid that didn’t do anything wrong. But other kids call him a bully, which is the technical term I believe. fight back. Then he beefed up and took wrestling which made him a whopping 5’9 an Bob only wanted revenge for the people that made fun of him in fourth grade. They made fun of his name and that he was obese, and that really got to him, but he was too small tod 170 pounds. It wasn’t surprising because his dad was huge. As Bob was walking to his class he bumped into Danny. Bob knew this kid had guts so he turned around and yelled,
“Hey, watch it!!”
“I’m sorry, I know you have to watch the 3 foot radius you take up!!” Danny said with a comeback. Bob slammed him against the wall.
“What did you say to me!!!!”
“ I said…”, but Danny flinched because Bob raised his fist. Bob thought, if I do this it will make Danny hate me and get me in trouble when most people already do hate me. Then to Danny’s surprise Bob lowered his fist. Then Bob continued to class. And just left the kid to go to his class. There was this one kid that recently caught his attention and his name was Linus. He was probably noticeable because of his hair that looked like he had taken Elvis’ hair and dyed it blonde. He was bright in a color sense, but he seemed dark inside. Like he was always sad or angry so Bob thought that what he did to him made no difference. Then one day as he teased Linus for being “emo” Linus turned around and glared at Bob for a good 10 seconds, his eyes seemed to be glowing red and he furiously said,

“You have made a huge mistake!” Then before anyone could say anything he stormed off. At first to his friends he thought that it was stupid, but inside he was a little worried because Brandon White was the old bully and when he bullied Linus he said the same words. Nobody ever heard from, well we like to call him Big Brandon, and when you're a bully you have connections with the other bullies always cause you go through the same things and feel each others pain. Big Brandon just disappeared and the thought of Linus saying the same thing just chilled him to the bone. That night he couldn’t sleep thinking of how he thought Big Brandon had moved but actually something else happened, and what might happen to him. The next morning he went to school and didn’t speak to Linus. After school had ended he was walking home and a car stopped by him and the front window rolled open. Inside was a man in a black suit, sunglasses, and was a little skinny with blonde hair like Linus. he leaned over to the window.
“Do you know where Santa Rosa Park is? My son has a game there.” He said in a voice that was quite scary, like a villain. The back window of the car suddenly rolled down and there was Linus and a man the size if an ox next to him. Bob considered himself an ox until then, now he looked like a calf compared to this man. The man said to get in the car with a voice so deep it seemed like it was the devils voice itself. When he got into the car the dad in the front seat started to drive. Linus said to Bob in an aggravated tone,”Could you Move over BOB, I am getting squashed!!” Bob knew that he was insulting him but his dad was there so he kept quiet. Then his dad started to talk. He said to him in a calm tone of voice that scared Bob.“Now I hear that you haven’t been entirely nice to my son and I don’t really appreciate that.” Bob noticed they were going towards his house. Linus’ dad continued,
“Now Bob, it’s Bob right? If you don’t stop you're going to have some nasty surprises coming your way.” Then they stopped, and the big man got out of the car and opened the door on Bob's side and dragged him out and then hurled him onto grass which happened to be his front lawn. He got up and saw there tires shrieking and they went off. Bob had to figure out what to do so he got on his skateboard and slyly followed them to Linus’ house where Bob took a picture of Linus’ house and license plate of the car. He noticed oddly that there was a forest behind his house but shrugged it off and left. When Bob got to school the next day he went to apologize about bullying Linus but he wasn't at school that day so he went home after school and got on his skateboard and road to Linus’ house. When he rang the doorbell nobody was home and the front door was unlocked and he went in. He saw an elevator that glowed blue and went down it out of marvel. When he got down he saw a big chair and Linus in it, crying. The big cold place looked like a laboratory with machines. He walked up to Linus turned his chair around and raised his fist. But then he remembered what would this even help. It would only get him into deeper trouble than he already was. Bob lowered his fist and thought about apologizing. Linus clicked a red button and shrieked, “Guards, guards get this boy!!!!” Bob yelled in protests, “Wait I want to UUUGH!!” A guard then tackled bob, but with his wrestling skills he got the guard pinned and then ran out. Panting he looked for an escape as the guard and two more started to pursue him. He saw a door saying garden and started sprinting towards the door of retreat and opened it. Bob quickly slammed it shut and got a big stick and jammed the door closed. He started to run and realized the garden was the forest he saw in the back of the house, but there wasn’t much time before the guards broke free. When he started to run the men broke through the door and pulled out pistols and started opening fire. As bullets zoomed by him Bob took cover behind a tree. The guards started searching but Bob went in a tree that grew two trunks out like a “Y” shape and he hid in between. One spotted him and silently got a bag with noxious sleep gas and snuck up behind him. A leaf crunched under the guard’s foot and Bob turned around. As Bob turned he swung the bag over Bobs head and as Bob struggled he began to get drowsy and fell asleep from smelling the gas. When he woke up he was at his house again in his front yard. He got inside and went to sleep ignoring his dad’s questions of where he was. He knew if he had said he was at his friend’s house his dad would know he was lying. Then when Bob got to school he walked up to Linus and told him why he went to his house, what had happened to him in fourth grade, and why he had raised his fist. It was the beginning of first period and when Linus heard it all and went to first period he said,”You’re not fat by the way.” And Bob sighed and went to class.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because it was a class assignment and I wanted to write about the bully instead of the bullied kid. So I switched around the idea and since I did that that is why the title is Bully the Bob.

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