My Owl Dave | Teen Ink

My Owl Dave

December 16, 2013
By funkasaur BRONZE, Coatsville, Missouri
funkasaur BRONZE, Coatsville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you can't fix stupid

I was sitting by the fireplace enjoying Stephen King's book “It”. Then I spied a little fuzzy bunny bouncing across the floor. As I watched the the bunny I remembered my pet owl Dave. I pointed to him and said “ No!”. Not listening to my command Dave flew down and to my surprise he landed beside the bunny and jumped back and forth in a playful manner. I sat in amazement, watching what was happening. Then I thought it would be funny to record them, so I stood up and went to the other room to retrieve my camera. When I returned to the room there were two more rabbits on the floor near Dave. I stood there wondering where all the rabbits are coming from, then I hear my wife's voice from the kitchen. “Have you seen some rabbits, there should be one black one with a mo hawk and two chocolate brown ones with long floppy ears?” she asked.

“They are in the study Dave is in there” I replied.

“My rabbits! Did he try to eat them?!” she said worriedly, then I told her they were fine. When we walked in the doorway to the study the rabbits ran in fright and Dave flew up to his perch by the bookshelf. So Mary, my wife, crouched down and held out a carrot to attract the rabbits out from under my chair. Just as one of the rabbits pokes its head out from under the chair, Dave swoops down and grabs the rabbit . Mary runs out of the room after Dave, snatching at his tail feathers she jumps and gets a handful of Dave's tail feathers and he lets out a loud screech and drops the rabbit. It falls and hits the floor and begins twitching. Mary scoops the rabbit up into her hands and turns to me and says

“Look what he did, he killed one of my rabbits.” I knelt down and said

“Dave didn't kill him, you caused Dave to drop him when you pulled his feathers.” she looked at me and said

“So it's my fault? How is this my fault, I didn't grab him and fly off, your owl grabbed my rabbit and did this. What did you want me to do stand there and watch him fly off with my rabbit?”

“You could have just followed him to see what he was doing, you didn't have to chase him and rip his feathers out trying to get him to stop.” Mary stands up and says

“I can't stand living here anymore you care about that owl more than you care about me. Why don't you just marry that owl? I'm threw, we are getting a divorce. I will send for my things!”
A few weeks later Mary came to the house and got all of her belongings,
“My lawyer will call you in a few days when you need to come in and sign to finalize the divorce papers, goodbye Steve. I hope you and your owl have a happy life.” Then she walked out the door and I haven't seen her since and that's been 12 years, Dave is still here.

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