The Letter in the Alley | Teen Ink

The Letter in the Alley

December 16, 2013
By writeman16 BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
writeman16 BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I walk down the alley I notice the mysterious man has left me a note, as I walk closer I decide to take a look at the letter. The letter tells me that if I want to learn more, to meet him at the old warehouse next to the river. I contemplate going to the warehouse or just ignoring the letter and going on with my daily life, but ultimately decide that I have had enough ordinary for awhile and that I am going to meet the strange man and get to the bottom of things.
As I step up to the doors of the warehouse I can't help but wonder what I would be doing if I hadn't picked up the letter in the alley. Most likely I would be sitting at home reading a book I had already read going on with my regular old boring life. In that moment I know I have made the right choice coming here tonight. I finally get up the nerve to open the door and see a single table with two chairs the mysterious man stands by the table waiting for me to sit down. Now that I see his face better I realize he is much older than I originally thought, appearing to be in his 60's. Despite his age he was in remarkably good condition. He sits down offering the other chair. Once I have sat down he begins to explain why he has brought me here. He says that he has been following. My first reaction is amazing anger, but I decide that I will let him finish before I let my anger known. He explains that that he has been sent to recruit me for a job in the military in a new type of squad. When I ask why I was chosen he explains that it is because he needs people of high intelligence with computer knowledge. He explains that if I would like to join the team I need to be at the airport with a packed bag tomorrow at 8:00 A.M.
On the small plane I see 5 other people including the mysterious man who has introduced himself as Don. I have been informed that we will be landing Colorado where we will begin training for the new squad. I could not be happier with this chain of events that has brought me to this new life. I am so happy that my new life is one of action adventure for no longer willi sit around transferring information into computers. Now I will be programming and designing fighting machines that will aid the army and prevent the loss of life of U.S. soldiers around the world.

The author's comments:
This piece was written as a prompt response.

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