I Don't Do Haunted | Teen Ink

I Don't Do Haunted

December 16, 2013
By Erin Tillery BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
Erin Tillery BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ashley had been thinking about reconsidering going to a haunted house with her friends Saturday night all week, but she decided to face her fears. She was known as the “easy to scare” and “scaredy cat” around her friends, and wanted to prove herself. It can't be too bad, she thought. Lots of people have done it before.

There she stood outside the wooden door with, Enter if you dare written in fake blood. This was supposed to be the best, or worst in her case, haunted walk through in the town. Her friends eager with excitement waited anxiously in the line, and tried to sugar coat it.

“Ashley it's gonna be so fun”

“It won't even be that scary.”

She gulped. A clown with fake blood all over its chest, messy makeup, and a saw in one hand popped out of the door. Ashley screamed. That was just the beginning?

Everyone started piling in the pitch black hallway inside. There was no going back. She jumped as she heard torturous screams in the distance. They turned a corner to see a little girl, with ratty hair covering her face, in a dirty gown, holding a doll.

“They're coming, don't go down there.” she said crying and staring at them.

They started down the steps as they went into this room with faded red lighting. She passed what she thought was a statue, but it sat up in a coffin and turned. Ashley shrieked. Then, they past old ladies with crazed looks on their faces singing a lullaby to a baby in a bloody blanket.

“There's no way out!”said a terrified young boy in tattered clothes that came out of the curtains. In the next hall, there was multiple cells that had horrifying creatures and animals. At this point, all of Ashley's friends were staying so close and shuffling behind one another. Ashley looks down and sees a skeleton hand on her shoulder and turns to see an old lady with droopy, red eyes, fangs, and messy hair. She swatted at her hand and freaked out. “Ahhhh! Noo!”

The next room wans't any better. The man at the front of the tour line yelled as a bear-like character jumped down from the ceiling roaring. Ashley was preparing herself for whatever was next. Hopefully it's almost over, she thought. She was fully aware of the exits on every corner, and fully prepared to use them. The sound of a chainsaw came from the next room and the lighting darkened. As the sound was heard again, the lights flashed and there were screams ahead. The next turn was walking towards a zombie with a knife in his shoulder, and coughing. She shivered as the line kept moving.

Ashley heard something above, and it flew over the crowd's head. It was a bat! Screams moved down the line as the sound of flapping wings got farther away. In the next doorway, there stood a man with cuts all over his face mumbling, and staring ahead at a painting of a women. Streetlights were seen ahead, and everyone sighed of relief.

The final exit sign was wonderful to see. Ashley stepped out only to see another monster-like man start chasing her with a butcher knife! She ran for her life, and raced across the parking lot towards her friends.
Standing in a circle, they all looked at each other and started bursting out laughing. Everyone of them knew how scared they had been, not letting go of the person's shoulders in front of them.

“That was quite an experience.”

“I think we can all be considered “scaredy cats” after that”, Ashley said with a grin. She was proud of herself for surviving the whole frightening haunted house. She had to admit, that she had a good time. She had overcome her fear. Her friends had been just as scared.

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