pasts haunting | Teen Ink

pasts haunting

December 16, 2013
By Amber brown BRONZE, Summerfield, Florida
Amber brown BRONZE, Summerfield, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I look into the horror of the reflection staring back at me I get a cold chill.'This is not you' I hear a voice in the back of my head say, My hand shake violently.I reach for the nob of the faucet and turn hot on fully.My hands burned under the steaming water, but I didn't care.I splashed the almost fire feeling water onto my face, it burned but it needed to be done.Through the mirror I could see the devilish grin from the face staring back.Almost solid lifeless eyes stared back, there was no emotion; Only a contorted figure of what I used to be.'Fake' I am not what I once was, the past can haunt me but it will never change what I am now.

I closed my eyes as I raised my fist and hit the mirror with all my force, A loud crack rang through my ears.Pieces of glass shattered around my feet into smaller bits of what they once were.My hand stung as though a thousand fire ants had latched onto my skin and were eating at it, I removed it from where the mirror once stood. Blood was running down the wall and slowly making its way into the sink, the hot water still ran at a boiling temperature.I turned the faucet off and watched as the small drips of blood ran down the side.I look down and pick up a piece of glass, I hold it to my arm."I am not my past." I through the glass into the trash and clean my bloody wound.'Fear and pain do not control me any longer.'

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