Watch and Learn: The Old Man's Short Story | Teen Ink

Watch and Learn: The Old Man's Short Story

December 23, 2013
By Cam16 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Cam16 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The key to writing, is to write. Not to think."

I sit here alone in the quietness that circulates my old soul that wonders if it will ever be free. Although alive, i seek death and dream of living another world with her. But of course, thats not how LIFE works so seeing how people say,"make your dreams a reality" and "Live life to the fullest" is beyond me since i cant seem to do either anymore.
I miss her. I miss her oh so deeply that it impulses my way of thinking into... well suicidal thoughts. There's nothing wrong with me! What am I saying? Im just hallucinating in this sudden cloud that travels over my grey head, affecting my way of thinking . Thinking of how i can be with her again. No!No! See there I go again, living out my worthless pass with such a perpetual view. It sickens me. A sixty-two year old man sitting here, looking out his window hoping that she'll comeback. Its utterly ridiculous. She isn't coming back.
I question myself in such a decietful way about my ability to finding love, balking my interaction to the outside world. No one needs to see an old lonely man like me. For what it's worth, I was able to say goodbye to her, just like I'm saying goodbye to you all. Despite the tears running down my pale and wrinkled face and the fearness that surrounds my soul, I will finally be able to see her again.

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