The Secret of Nate Humphrey | Teen Ink

The Secret of Nate Humphrey

December 18, 2013
By SidneyM BRONZE, Blackstone, Massachusetts
SidneyM BRONZE, Blackstone, Massachusetts
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Everyone has a secret. A secret is something we desire to be hidden within us for better or for worse. Deep down inside us everyone is clenching something so dynamic, you feel as though it may burst through your chest at any moment. Nate Humphrey had a secret, a secret I would discover.
Nate Humphrey had locker 3306, the locker right next to mine. Every day he strolled into school wearing his Abercrombie jeans and a Ralph Lauren collared shirt. I always knew when Nate was coming because his mesmerizing Chanel cologne filled the halls. His golden blonde hair would sparkle like my favorite Tiffany earrings. Nate’s glimmering eyes were as blue as the Indian Ocean. Humphrey had a beautiful, white as pearl smile that stood out against his sun kissed skin. Although every girl in school would swoon over Nate’s good looks, no one knew what Nate was really like. Nate spent his free periods in the old, worn down library listening to Mozart. He kept the world around him out from his own little bubble. When the final school bell would ring Nate would sprint through the halls like a wild cheetah. He would be done at his locker before my pale fingers even touched the knob. He would pivot around and be out the door faster than you could say Nate. Why is he in such a hurry? Where is he going? Questions buzzed in my head like bees in a hive. The secret of Nate Humphrey was one I was dying to unlock since he moved to Boston in freshmen year. His secret was so close to me I could taste it on my pink lips.
On December 2nd, I was sitting in the library reading my favorite Nancy Drew book when Nate walked in. We made eye contact and I felt like, for a moment, we connected; however, Nate quickly looked away and strode off to his corner of the room. I could no longer concentrate on Nancy Drew’s mysteries, for I had my own mystery right in front of me. When there were two minutes left in the period the idea hit my like a train. When the final bell rang, I would follow Nate Humphrey and his secret.
When the final bell went off it was like the sound of the gun at a track meet. I used my scrawny arms to push through the halls and get to my locker. I opened up the locker as quick as my heart was beating. I grabbed my red pea coat and pulled my navy Micheal Kors hat over my long, curled brown hair. I finished just as Nate slammed his locker and turned in his Timberland boots. I followed behind him by a couple feet until we got to the large, wooden door. Nate held the door open for me; it was like he was inviting me into his secrets. The cold airs outside made my ivory skin sprout goose bumps. I carefully stalked Nate through the streets of the city. As I maneuvered through the snow banks I realized it probably wasn’t such a good idea to wear my Tory Burch flats. Nate and I kept a steady pace until we reached the Fenway intersection. There Nate sprinted across the street towards the hospital wing of the city. If he goes into a hospital I’ll lose him for good! I took a leap of faith and darted across the street. I almost made it across with nothing but a few honks when suddenly a bright yellow taxi came swerving at me. I jumped into the muddy snow in time to save myself from death by taxi. I finally was starting to realize the meaning of curiosity killed the cat. When I spotted Nate walking into the Boston Children’s Hospital, I hurried after him towards the gigantic building. I snuck in through the revolving door and hid behind a couch in the empty lobby. As I caught my breath I heard Nate begin to speak with the red headed nurse behind the marble counter.
“Hey Melissa, how is she today?” Nate questioned.
“Hello Nate, she is doing a lot better than yesterday! Although, they moved her to the 5th floor,” the nurse responded. Who is this she they are talking about? How does Nate know the nurses name? With a good bye Nate headed up in the glass elevator. I then peaked my emerald green eyes over the couch and watched the nurse like a hawk. As soon as she was distracted, I made a dash for the elevator. Once inside, I pressed my freshly polished finger against the green button engraved with the number 5. When I reached the 5th floor I stepped out into the sparkling hallway. I roamed the floor until I saw the familiar golden blonde hair of Nate Humphrey through the door’s window. I got closer to the window to observe. Nate was sitting on the hospital bed with a little girl who looked no older than 6. Her skin was sickly pale and she looked extremely thin. She was wearing a floral, silk scarf on her small bald head.
“So Charlotte, what did you do today?” asked Nate.
“Well big brother, I got to watch Rapunzel today. She is really funny and her hair is really long. Hey, do you think my hair can ever be as long as Rapunzel’s again?’” questioned Charlotte. A look of remorse spread across Nate’s face.
“Maybe one day Charlotte, maybe one day,” sighed Nate as he kissed the top of her head. Suddenly it didn’t feel right to be here. An enormous pit grew in my stomach. I stumbled back to the elevator and down to the lobby. I pushed through the door and didn’t look back when the nurse called to me. Tears began to stream down my face, but soon froze in the frigid weather. My head was in a million different places the entire walk home. All I remember is beeping horns and the blur of the black pavement underneath my feet.
The next day I arrived at school with bags under my eyes that no amount of makeup could conceal. I didn’t sleep a wink the previous night. Not even Nancy Drew could get me to relax. This was the first secret that I have ever regretted discovering. When I smelt Chanel cologne heading my way I quickly slammed my locker, which was as cold as my heart, and sprinted to class.
For the next few months the same cycle continued. Nate would run off after to school to visit the hospital and I never apologized for uprooting his dreadful secret. The secret of Nate Humphrey consumed me. Every day I would come up with an apology for Nate explaining how sorry I was that I had pried into his life like that. Every time I went to speak no words came out. It was like nails were scratching against my throat preventing me from speaking. The guilt will continue to haunt me for the rest of my life.
On February 1st Nate wasn’t in school. At the time, I had assumed he had just come down with a terrible cold. But on February 2nd Nate’s golden hair never emerged into the halls of school either. In fact, Nate did not return to school until March 8th. The hallways felt cold and dangerous that day. When he returned he no longer smelt of Chanel cologne. When I spotted him in the library he wasn’t listening to Mozart, but silently starring out the window at the falling rain. His eyes had no longer glimmered the way they always held. Instead, his eyes were fogged like ghosts that were swimming deep inside him. As the final bell rang it was like a toll of death. I hurried to my locker to what I now realize was the most horrific moment of my short life. My palms grew sweaty and my knees started shaking. I felt like I was about to vomit at any minute. The world around me froze. Nate Humphrey did not run from school that day, and sadly, I knew why.

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