First Snow | Teen Ink

First Snow

December 28, 2013
By huiminhae BRONZE, Singapore, Other
huiminhae BRONZE, Singapore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This morning feels slightly chillier than previous ones, even when it stopped snowing for a night. I cover my toes with the blanket, and curl my body in an attempt to trap any remaining warmth. The bells chimed seven times. It's 7am, reason to open my eyes. It's still dark outside. I slip into my pair of furry woollen slippers and trek to the pantry.

My room
Across my bed
Round and round
Leave the kitchen behind
Slide and Enter

By this time, the sun has risen. I take 2 eggs, a carton of fresh milk, and a bag of breakfast tea. Black is my cup of tea. White, too weak. Green, too shy. Red, too pretentious. Black.
I boil a teapot of water, just enough for a cup. The white kitchen interior complements the white snow, coating the withered branches where leaves used to reside. Beyond the white, a line of blue runs across. Further beyond, it is green, with tinges of white and darker green. Winter must not have hit them yet. People must still be walking about, catching the last of their cities before they return to their homes permanently, or at least till Christmas. I smile at the idea of this joyous occasion.

Water is boiling. I pour it into the cup with the tea bag. The amber highlights spiral out from the bag and slowly diffuse to give a cup of golden brown. I take a small sip, add some milk, and leave it at the side.
Should I scramble my eggs today, or have a sunny? I crack my first egg into the hot pan, while beating in a bowl the other. Once the whites start to become opaque, I scoop it up before the yolk can solidify. Now time to add the beaten second one. Immediately after, I turn off the fire, leaving the remaining heat to do the work, then randomly mix the light yellow about. I place the plate with the cup, and station myself before them, before the window. I didn't want to eat at the dining area. It is cosier here. Plus a smaller window makes the view behind more alluring.

Round and round

I take off what I am wearing and put on the thick brown fur coat. I bring with me a book "The Night Circus", some change, and change into outdoor footwear. Then,

Round and round and round

Once I step out, a gust of chilly Siberian wind blows in my direction, not very pleasantly and certainly not very welcomed. Then I see that while I was travelling from my room here, it had started snowing again! All is forgiven when the first snow falls. Not first in this case but similar enough. I walk towards the forest, now a blinding white, then through it. However thick the snow, it has not concealed the outline of the usual path I take to the cities. It is white all around. Occasionally, the brown branches will peek out, like the few strands of hair on a bald scalp. As I walk, a horizontal line of dark blue beneath the snow starts to appear. It gets wider and wider and

There I am. In front of the Lake of Hermine. At the end of the snowline. My eyes feast on this magnificent, majestic sight. The lake is active and happening as ever, undaunted by the cold, and its other companions that have succumbed. There I finally see what I saw as tinges of white and dark green. White is the reflection of the buildings in the cities; dark green are the stubs of coniferous trees. I get across like how I usually do.

I start strolling in between the 3-storey shophouses. It is refreshing as always to see such a big piece of the sky when I look up in Stockholm. There is a significant decrease in people, but not significant enough for the shops to close yet I guess. I first go to Stockholm's most prized bookstore to find potential add-ons to my collection. Mr Karlstad definitely does not disappoint.

Then I head to the farmers' market to get some fresh produce. Free-range eggs, and farm-raised cow's milk, bag of organic tomatoes, sweet potatoes, romaine and butterhead lettuce, celery and broccoli. It's great that I still get to eat them even at home in the cold.

Not forgetting, a calender for the new year. It will probably be boxing day the next time I can come again. By then they will have stopped printing them. Stockholm people never procrastinate.

I stop by Breim's to have a cup of coffee. Breim's is uncharacteristically quiet today. I order a vanilla latte before settling at the the window seat, incidentally disturbing two beautiful ladies deep in conversation. Luckily Stockholm has nice people. Looking out, I see people doing Christmas shopping, most at Mr Karlstad's bookstore. I see people having late lunch at Mdm Bertha's reataurant. I see Stockholm preparing for Christmas, with colourful lights drooping from lamp post to lamp post. I bring my cup to my lips with both hands. Warmth travelled from my palms through my entire body; and down my oesophagus warming my stomach. It feels like a warm cup of tea. Coffee and tea, very different, but both incite the same excitement and induce comparable sensations. Following sips remain as good as the first. I stare out of the window again. Discarding any worries or doubts from before, I let my mind reign free. Coffee at Breim's has always been therapeutic for me. Though I was never exactly sure whether that was because of Breim's or the coffee.

A drop of snow flutters down, then more follow. Everyone turns and is pleasantly surprised. This can only mean that Christmas is a step nearer.
"Finally, it has started snowing. King Edward's has been snowing since last month," the first lady exclaims.
"Kind Edward?" the second asks with a heavy Curtian accent. "How would you know?"
"King Edward, Queen Elliot and Princess Abigail live just across the Lake Hermine. Of course we would know. In less than a day, Harold Castle was engulfed in white. It was too eye-catching for anyone to miss!"
"Wow, don't you guys feel honoured that the royals are living right next?"
"Haha I am so thrilled," the first lady adds with a smirk. "I love King Edward and Queen Elliot but not Princess Abigail. She is not of any use or service to the nation. She will be nothing without taxpayers' money."
As I listen, I nod. I have never dared to voice it out, but I agree wholeheartedly with what she is saying. King Edward and Queen Elliot are lovable people and wonderful rulers, just not Princess Abigail, just not fifteen-year-old Abigail.
"I thought they were nice? They gave their servants a two-day break. The officials in my city don't give their subordinates any."
"As I said just now, King Edward and Queen Elliot are lovely, I just think Princess Abigail doesn't deserve her status."
I take in a huge breath and get up, carrying the heavy bags and walking out, disturbing the two ladies in the midst again.
"Sorry," I apologised.
"Please don't mind," the cheery ladies replied understandingly.
All is forgiven when the first snow falls.

I feel too exhausted to continue my journey on foot. I shall just-

5.01 pm
There. I collapse on my bed, relieving my body of any tension. I close my eyes to catch a quick nap.

A nap unknowingly dragged on. If not for the bells, I will have slept on till next morning, and my parents will have nothing after work to eat. I take the bag of fresh produce with me.

Round and round
Leave the kitchen behind
Slide and Enter

Dice the tomatoes and celery. Chop the garlic. Drain the pasta. The menu for today's dinner:
Tomato-based pasta
Pan-seared salmon
Caramelised sweet potatoes

The lake has lost its blue and is frozen. There is only white, no more green, white, or darker green.

My parents enter the dining hall for their dinner. They are busy people, and only get to rest and eat when the sky darkens.
"Your Majesties."
"Hey Abigail my love!" Dad gave me a hug. "What a beautiful feast you have prepared! You went down to Stockholm again, didn't you?"
"Abigail my darling, how are you coping without Aunt Joy and the other maids? It must have taken a toll on you."
"Absolutely not, Mum your Majesty. It was quite interesting to head down to Stockholm by myself I must say."
"Glad to hear that. Let's have the food now, shall we?"

After dinner, I head back to my room.

I am back at the balcony, where I slept last night. I don't think it will be possible to sleep here tonight. The snow has come back, and it looks like it is for good. I rest with two hands parallel and my elbows resting on the railing. It is only 10 more days to Christmas and Stockholm has started lighting up the Christmas lights at night. I cannot see any movement or spot any people. But they must be having much fun. I recall the words of the lady this afternoon. It is true many people think I am worthless, I think so too. It is true many people think they would fare better as princess, I think so too. It is true many people want to take my place instead of myself, but they don't know how much I want to take their place. I do feel bad whenever I have thoughts like that. I feel like I am not showing enough gratitude for what I have. The amazing parents I have, the elite education I go through, the positive environment I live in, and the constant support I receive. I still crave for more. I am not satisfied. Why can't I be?
All is forgiven when the first snow falls
Just today, just let me be for today.

The bells chime 9 times. I retreat and head down back to my room, back to my bed, back to sleep.

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