When the Lights Go Out | Teen Ink

When the Lights Go Out

January 9, 2014
By Sierra Hoppman BRONZE, East Dubuque, Illinois
Sierra Hoppman BRONZE, East Dubuque, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was quiet and cold, I could feel myself shivering, goose bumps rising on my arms. I feel something running down my face. I reach up and touch my forehead, when I pull my hand away it is covered with a dark liquid. There was glass everywhere on the ground. The last thing I can remember was music blaring and everyone laughing. It was a fun night so far. What happened?!

Cars raced out of the parking lot, tires squealing. It was 2:30 and everyone was excited for the homecoming football game later that night and the rest of the weekend. The homecoming dance was tomorrow and all of the girls were stressing out about how they were going to make time for all their preparations. Morgan and MaKayla had everything planned out, what was there to worry about? They were just worried about not having fun.

“Thanks for the ride, Morgan! I’ll see you around 6. You’re taking me to the game tonight, right?”
“Duh Kayla, why wouldn't I?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t you? Just kidding! See ya then!”
Three hours have passed and Morgan was leaving her house to pick up MaKayla. They arrived at the game and split up for awhile. Towards the end of the game, Morgan and MaKayla were so excited to jump some hills after the game was over. It was a tradition for them to invite as many people as they can fit in the car and jump hills after a football game.

“Turn the music up!” shouted Morgan as she was driving. Kayla turned the stereo up as loud as it could go. “55...60...65…70…...80! That’s a new record!” The biggest hill was coming up and Morgan was a little scared, but she didn’t want to tell MaKayla or the others. Morgan wouldn’t want them to be afraid that she could possibly go out of control.

And that’s where it all went blank…” Morgan explained, sobbing. “It was a complete accident! I didn’t think it would happen this way.”

Morgan didn’t plan to lose her best friend that night. She felt like everything was perfect. They were all laughing, having a good time. The day Morgan and Kayla planned for two months was finally here and things did not turn out like they planned...at all. In her head, Morgan kept thinking, “why me? It shouldn’t be like this. Why my best friend?”

The day Morgan had to see her best friend, lifeless, just laying there with nothing she could do, was the hardest day of her life. She wasn’t prepared for this at all... MaKayla’s funeral.

Even though Morgan and MaKayla were best friends, they were complete opposites. Morgan didn’t really like sports and MaKayla did. Kayla was a freshman, but started for varsity basketball. Everyone thought she was the best player. Morgan was just the girl who got really good grades but wasn’t in sports. Funny how opposites attract, almost like a magnetic pull. Until the day when the magnet flips and pushes you apart so hard so fast you’re not even sure what happened until it’s too late.

“Out of all people, why did it have to be MaKayla?” Morgan thought. It’s not that she wanted someone else to be in her place. She didn’t want anyone to die, especially her best friend.

The other three people in the car were Makayla’s older sister, Jackie, and friends Navin and Kelly. Kelly was hurt real bad in her spine, Jackie had her head cut open, and Navin just broke an arm. “How did MaKayla die?” Morgan thought. Lately, that is the only question that has been running through her head. “It’s all my fault” she said to herself.

Morgan couldn’t handle it anymore. She needed to see someone...someone she could tell everything and be honest with.
“And how do you feel about that?” asked the counselor.

“I hate it. I have to live with this the rest of my life...it’s all my fault!” explained Morgan, sobbing.

When Morgan got home, she went straight to her room, just like she does everyday now. She knew she had someone to talk to, but it just didn’t help. All she wanted was to be alone and cry. She hated that feeling, but it was all she did. Everyday she thought about ways to leave the pain. Finally, she had it. Her mom’s pain pills from last year from when she broke her leg.

“I can take these and I won’t feel a thing” Morgan explained to herself.

Shaking, one by one, Morgan swallowed the pills. She was so scared she started to swallow all the pills she could until she couldn’t swallow anymore. Numb. She couldn’t feel anything. She could see herself turning pale, shaking, dizzy, and cold. This is it, she thought.

BANG! Morgan’s mother heard a loud noise come from upstairs. Quickly, she ran upstairs. “Morgan!” screamed her mother. Morgan had fell from fainting. Beth called 9-1-1 as fast as she could, but she thinks they were too late. Morgan was so cold and pale.

“I’m so sorry. There was nothing we could do. It was all too late” the doctor explained to Morgan’s mother.

“She’s really gone? I know she was going through a difficult time right now but I didn’t know it would end up like this. I didn’t even think of it! Everyone was willing to help her talk through it…” said Beth.

Why MaKayla? Why Morgan? Their lives were perfect and within two weeks everything had changed.

The author's comments:
About a year ago, my friends from another town had gotten into a serious car accident. It did lead to a death and I believe that is what inspired me to write this short story.

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