Small Family Big Problem | Teen Ink

Small Family Big Problem

January 14, 2014
By _chanel_ BRONZE, Rosenhayn, New Jersey
_chanel_ BRONZE, Rosenhayn, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lisa was so happy her sister was coming home from college. She could remember all the fun times
they had before her sister left. Lisa was thinking about what people used to say about her and her sister
“they’re unstoppable” she smiled. There was a knock at the door she got up and opened it. “Crystal!”
Lisa said. “I’ve missed you so much,” crystal said. Lisa hugged her sister and they sat down on the couch.

“This is the part where you tell me about college life,” Lisa thought while staring at her sister.
“So, Crystal how’s college, any cute boys?” Lisa said excitedly. “Well college is fun a lot of parties but I
don’t go to any and yes there are a lot of cute boys, but I only like one,” Crystal said. Lisa looked at her
sister concerned.

“Why didn’t she tell me before?” Lisa thought. “Okay so there’s a guy and you didn’t tell me
before why?” Lisa said.

“We weren’t really that serious up until now,” her sister said. Lisa grabbed her
sisters’ hand and said

“That’s great I know you must be tired from the trip why don’t you go upstairs to
your room and take a nap”. “Thanks,” her sister said. Lisa walked into the kitchen and started making
their lunch for later. “I’m the oldest and I still alone,” Lisa said laughing. She heard some noises coming
from her sister room and saw her sister bent over throwing up. “Are you okay?” Lisa said.

“Yes, I’m fine Lisa please get out,” said her sister. Lisa shut the door and stood there a minute.
“There is no way she could be pregnant,” she thought.

Lisa walked down the steps and went back into the kitchen she couldn’t stop thinking about why
her sister was throwing up. She grabbed the knife and chopped up some onions and peppers to put in her tuna. She walked back upstairs to her sisters room and opened the door.

“Crystal come on I made us lunch I thought you might be hungry,” Lisa said quietly. “Okay,” her
sister said they walked back down the steps and sat at the table. Lisa grabbed the toasted tuna sandwiches

and sat them down on the table.
“Eat it will make you feel a lot better,” Lisa said.
“I’m not really that hungry Lisa,” her sister said.

“Remember when you used to have stomachs aches you would lay around all the time?” Lisa said
“Yes I remember why do you say that?” her sister said .

“Is this one of the stomach aches or is it something else?” Lisa said.

Her sister sat there quietly Lisa look at her trying to figure out what was wrong with her.
“No Lisa I think I’m pregnant,” her sister said.

Lisa looked at her in confusion she was shocked her sister was such a bright kid about to ruin her life.
She got up walked over to her sister and said “you could have told me from the being”. She gave her
a hug and muttered you’re so young.

Lisa remembers all the talks her and her sister had about not having any kids until they were ready.
She stood up and walked back into the kitchen and cleaned the dishes.

Her sister looked surprised her sister didn’t yell at her and do anything.

Lisa walked back to the table and said, “I’m not mad at you or anything your grown I just want to know
if you’re ready?”

Her sister sat there for a second and said, “Yes I think I’m ready”.

Lisa started crying and gave her sister a big hug. They went outside and sat on the porch watching the
kids in the neighborhood play basketball. They sat there laughing and planning for the baby.

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