Breathe | Teen Ink


January 15, 2014
By mp1024 BRONZE, Palm Harbor, Florida
mp1024 BRONZE, Palm Harbor, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You're not breathing anymore, your head is spinning,and your nerves are going ballistic. You wait at the gate with your flags in hand. Time seems to stand still just to torture you in the worst way. Other members of the team wait with you in the same agonizing pain.

Breathe now because in the next eight minutes, believe me you won't be able to. Counting, dancing, smiling, performing, running, and spinning. Breathe now because in those next eight minutes it's going to be the last thing on your mind and you might just forget how to. Breathe now because the minutes you aren't counting the person next to you and the person next to them and beside them have been throw off track. Breathe now because without you the performance is crashing and burning as the judges are watching and the cocks are ticking away as the music is playing. So breathe now.

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