A ticket to success | Teen Ink

A ticket to success

January 15, 2014
By Anonymous

Laura Grossmeyer walked into sweaty and smelly gymnasium for the third time this month. She passed the benches where the West High WildCats play in their red and white jersey uniforms. She smiles politely at Coach Wesley and walks up to the 10th row of the newly refurbished plastic-like bleachers. Laura drops herself on the bleachers and exhales heavily from her long, exhausting day at work. She had stopped by before at the local gas station to purchase a hot steamy coffee and a lottery ticket. She puts her hazelnut mocha latte into the cup holder and looks at her mega millions ticket. “Please let this be the day where I get put out of my misery,” sighed Laura as she stuffed the ticket back into her small, black carry-on purse.
Mya runs out of the locker room with a big fat cheering smile. Her cheering arms wave the pom poms in the air. Her cheering yell gets the crowd and basketball team going. The only reason Laura even attends the rowdy basketball game would be to support her daughter Mya. Mya Waves to her mother to take a panorama picture of the whole team. Laura reaches into her satchel to grab the 90’s bulky camera. The lottery ticket falls out of her bag at 9.8 m/s onto the sticky soda and popcorn spilled floor. Laura bends down to the ground as Coach Wesley runs up the stairs. “It seems to me that it’s your lucky day with that lottery ticket. I would love to win the lottery because the pay for this job is so tiny that it would be better of living on the streets,” states the coach as he tries to get the crowd going. Laura puts the sticky coated ticket back into her bag and snapshots the picture of the whole team.
The game against South High just begun. Mya races her emotions up high through the roof while Laura takes out her green covered nook. She swipes to chapter 10 and reads the first word on the page hope. As the game continued close to the ending Laura reads the title on chapter 21 and it says “The golden ticket”. The golden ticket to finish reading the book, the golden ticket to win the game for the MSL championship, and the golden ticket to win the lottery. Laura scavengers into her satchel to save the day smiling silly holding her ticket. She crosses out 2 of the 3 scratch outs, crosses her fingers, and prays for her chance of glory. Halfway scratching off the last final number a basketball flies into the crowd and knocks out Laura to the ground unconscious.

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