Cubicle | Teen Ink


January 14, 2014
By Patrycja Charczuk BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Patrycja Charczuk BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Messy piles of confusing company records,
hurriedly scribbled morning meeting notes,
and multiple drafts of a new billboard ad
cluttered the cubicle.
Pink, orange, and green sticky notes
decorated the Mac desktop screen.
The remains of Dunkin Donuts to-go breakfast platters,
yesterday's Nutri-Grain bar wrappers,
and empty Starbucks latte cups
lined the perimeter.
Hannah glanced at her phone just to see
"Don't wait up for me tonight"
in a text from her husband for the fifth night in a row.
She walked up behind Steve in the copy room
and whispered in his ear,
“Looks like we get to see each other again tonight”
and strolled back, with the corners of her lips slightly raised.

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