The war | Teen Ink

The war

January 14, 2014
By MBR_3 BRONZE, Safety Harbor, Florida
MBR_3 BRONZE, Safety Harbor, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a very long day as I worked in the fields doing all of my chores I had today. I had not anticipated the weather to be so hot and humid. I was sweating so much I could feel the drops of sweat hitting my skin every minute. Today was a day that nobody could ever forget. Ever since our town had lost many male fighters for the war, they decided to randomly choose females of all ages to join. Every female in our town was trembling with fear and terrified out of their minds. I wouldn’t even know where to begin to describe my feelings towards their decision of the war. “Today was the day”, I kept saying over and over again in my head. As the time inched closer to the choosing, suddenly the bell rang for the whole town to gather. As soon as I entered, I could instantly smell the fear of every woman, possibly including myself. I wasn’t exactly sure how they were going to do the choosing of the 11 Women they needed but it was going to happen one way or another that I knew for sure. As soon as the Captain arrived, they started to pick the names; they had absolutely no time to waste. As soon as they called the first name, Nicole, I broke inside. All I could hear was the scream and crying of everyone who had known and loved her. That tore my heart out, she was only 14. The next few names, Courtney, Maddie, Laura, and Kathi. It got harder to breathe after each name was called. I was hoping it wasn’t going to be me. The next few names were called, Kate, Christina, Kayla, and Victoria. The screams continued the threats by friends and families were getting out of hand. I was counting down the last two names, April, and myself, Abigail. When I heard my name I died inside and fell to the ground, I had no one left in my family but the screams continued. “This is where I die”, I said to myself as they loaded us up and took us to our first fight without training. Our first fight was in Iraq, it was bare there was not a soul in sight except for the soldiers getting ready to fight. As we arrived they handed us our uniforms, our guns, and our ammo and we headed out. I was scared to death; I knew I was going to die. Maybe, if I just killed myself now before the war it would be better? No I shook those thoughts out of my head, I had to be strong and fight. Begin was the first thing I heard, the second was an instant shot, I immediately ran and scream. It was Nicole the 14 year old who was also my best friend, she was shot in the chest. I tried to plug the wound with my hand, I went numb all I could feel was the blood soaking through my fingers and onto my hands and clothes as she slowly died in my arms. I got up to take cover and fight for my town, but as soon as I did I heard a click just like a gun. I looked up to find a man holding a gun to my head. I shook with fear as he pulled the trigger slowly making sure I could feel that my life was about to end any second slowly and painfully. I said prayers to everyone in my head as I knew I was not going to survive this. I braced myself for what was coming next, he pulled the trigger with an evil laugh and I heard the shot ring. It was actually the last thing I heard before I screamed “NO” and I woke up. I was all sweaty and hot and was also trembling with fear as my worst nightmare came true. It was so real I said to myself but I was in my room safe in my bed nowhere near the war or anything to do with it. I just kept saying it was a dream to myself as I slowly fell back asleep, just before I closed my eyes to a deep sleep I was startled by the bells outside. I knew what this meant but it couldn’t be true, it was just a dream but unfortunately I was dead wrong…

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