The Lottery | Teen Ink

The Lottery

January 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Winning the lottery is like running in flip flops, it’s almost impossible. One day twenty year old Brandy stopped at the gas station. When she went in Brandy walked up to the cash register and said,
“Can I have thirty on pump three?”
“Sure, But would you like to try playing the lottery?” the cashier elaborated.

Brandy had never played the lottery before, what did she have to lose .The numbers she played were 13, 40, 31, 50, 7, 12, 11 . She thought it was fun or even odd. Even though she knew she didn’t have a chance. Later on that day she went home and fell fast asleep.

The next morning she woke up to the sound of the morning news. At the bottom of the tv screen it read,
“Today’s lottery numbers are 13, 40, 31, 50, 7, 12, 11, and to ever the lucky winner is come collect you money at the lottery office.”
Brandy couldn’t believe that she actually won. She took her Mom with her to collect her money. Brandy then took her Mom shopping with her. Every day after that for a couple of months she went shopping every day. She spent way, way to much money.
Late afternoon the next day Brandy and her Mom went out to dinner. She had no spending budget. To her it was if you like something then get it. Her Mom was getting sick and tired of her just spending her money.
“Brandy sweetheart instead of spending your money on everything you see, you should save it because one day you’re going to regret it,” lectured Mom.
As always Brandy didn’t want to hear it. The money was hers, and she earned it fare or square. The next couple of weeks Brandy didn’t work at all. She got fired from her job. Every day her Mom would ask her about her spending, and every day she would reply with the same answer, its fine. Little did she know that it wasn’t fine, it’s was atrocious.

The very next day Brandy attempted to go shopping debs. When the cashier rung her up and the computer beeped! Of course Brandy asked them to try again, but it still didn’t work. She called the bank and demanded a reason why her card wasn’t working. The answer was simple she had maxed her card out. She was so embarrassed.

She didn’t have a job or any money. That month she didn’t have enough money to pay any bills, go shopping ,or even buying thing that you need to buy for you everyday life. She didn’t like asking people for money. So at first she sold her clothes and shoes on just to make ends meet. But after a while that wasn’t even enough to cover the cost of her bills and other stuff.

As you can see Brandy had nothing. That same month she had to move back in with her parents. After a while Brandy eventually found a new job. So now every time Brandy goes to the gas station she stays far, far, far away from the lottery. She had everything, she lost everything.
The End

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