Alone | Teen Ink


January 15, 2014
By seth0486 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
seth0486 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why am I in this room, this confined space and why am I restricted, I can’t move, I can’t speak, I am so confused. It looks similar even though I know I don’t belong here.

It’s been at least thirty minutes since I awoke and no one’s here, I am all alone, confined in this white prison. This room of solitude and singularity and I am beginning to panic “No one is coming, no one’s going to help you, you’re alone.” I say in my mind, repeating itself over and over like the scratch of a needle on a record. I am begging, pleading, praying for a savior, but somehow I’m thinking God can’t help me. I’ve chipped several teeth trying to gnaw away these sickly white garments. My eyes beginning to blur from dehydration and the hunger pains are not getting any better either, they just get worse. I’m so thirsty my tongue feels as dry as a saltine cracker, but the thought of this drives the pain in my stomach to an extensive and excruciating pain. “I can’t escape, I’ll never leave.” I take a look at whatever I can, scratching and scouring for something to give myself hope.

Nothing just the pale white walls and these restraints make me want to regurgitate, but I can’t I haven’t eaten in weeks, I believe, I really can’t tell anymore there is no time here. My grip on what I perceive is real is weakening, it’s beginning to loosen, and I am afraid that if I do lose grip on whatever is real or may not be I will never return, never really tell what I would do if I could escape but as I previously stated “No one is coming, no one will help me, I am alone…”.

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