Shadow Hunters | Teen Ink

Shadow Hunters

January 15, 2014
By jessymaya13 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
jessymaya13 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" life is like a box of choclotes you never know what you get

Shadow hunters
It all started a couple years ago. When my whole life wasn’t what it seemed to be. Don’t be fooled by everything, there is more stuff that you don’t even imagine in this world. There are more than just humans in this world. On a gloomy day when the sun was still smiling high in the sky. “No I’m just going to the poetry reading and then I’m going to a club for my birthday.” Said Carrie “No I’m not going to tell her she would go crazy plus I’m already eighteen.” said Carrie. Then Sherri waked in (mom).
After the mom came in Carrie said “It’s a homework call mom.” Mom I’m going to go to the poetry reading today is that ok?” asked Carrie. Mom answered “sure.” “Thanks mom.” After a couple hours Carrie was getting ready for the poetry reading. Then her mom noticed that she kept on drawing something her mom did not want her to know yet. “Mom I’m leaving.” Carrie said. “Come straight home after that poetry reading.” “Mom it’s just a poetry reading.” Then Carrie left. After the poetry reading Carrie met up with her friend Kyle. It was about nine o’clock and Carrie and Kyle were walking home after the poetry reading. Carrie saw the creeping drawing that she’s been drawing. So she let her hair down and walked to the entrance. “Click clock click clock.” Hey what does that symbol mean?” Carrie asked.

The security guard made a creepy smile. Next the man behind him whispered something in his ear. “Psh, psh, psh.” After 3 minutes they let Carrie and her friend Kyle in. “See I got this.” Carrie said to her friend Kyle. “Ok, but won’t we get in trouble?” asked Kyle. When they walked in everybody was wearing black and dancing to loud and gothic or emo music. “Hey do you want me to get us something to drink!” Kyle asked. “Sure.” Carrie answered. While Kyle goes to get the drinks Carrie is just dancing. Until, she sees this beautiful young lady and this young handsome man. Somehow the woman calls the man just by looking at him. When the man gets near her a snake chain grabs the man and then the young man gets a sword and stabs him right in the stomach.

“AHHHHH!” Carrie screamed. Everybody got close up to her to and started to ask her if she was ok. As soon as she screamed the young handsome man saw her and left as fast as light travels. Kyle and Carrie left that place immediately. “I’m telling you I saw those people going to kill him.” Carrie said. “Didn’t you see them?” Carrie asked. “No, there wasn’t anybody there.” Kyle said. Then Carrie and Kyle just left the conversation alone. The time flew by and Carrie got home very fast. As she got to the door her mom was asleep on the couch. Carrie covered her up. Then she went to bed. The next morning she woke up “ahhhh!” Carrie screamed. Her room was full of the symbol from the club. She called Kyle and left home fast. After about 10 to 20 minutes past there was a knock at the door. “thug, thug, thug!” Sherrie got near the door to see who it was. “BOOM!” the door fell on Sherrie. “Where’s the cup!” The two men said. “I’ll never give it to you!” Sherrie said. The two men let a dog out so they could grab her. Sherrie went into the bathroom, she drunk a mysterious bottle that made her past out.

Suddenly Carrie saw the young man from the club and went to the back of the store to talk to him. “Why can’t anybody see you but me?” Carrie asked. “That’s what I’ve been trying to find out.” The young man said. “By the way my name is chase. The young man said. Suddenly Carrie felt something wrong, so she went back to her house. When she got to the apartment everything was destroyed. When she went in, she saw a dog. The dog started getting bigger and started to split in half. Carrie ran to the kitchen. She got an exploding can and threw it out to the kitchen. The dog was blow into little pieces of junk. When she saw that it was dead she started looking for her mom. When she least expected it, the dog regenerated and started to attack her again. When chase got there, he took out his sword and killed the dog. “Thank you,” Carrie said. She ran down to Miss Ronda’s apartment and knocked. When Miss Ronda opens the door she looked up. “You can see him!” Carrie shouted. “Yes why do you ask?” Miss Ronda said. “Of course she can she’s a witch.” Chase said. “Woo.” Carrie said. “Ok let’s get down to business.” Chase said.” “Ok Miss Ronda I need your help, I need to find my mom.” Carrie said in a panic voice. “If you find your mom look at the cards, swipe your hands over the cards. When Carrie swiped her hand over the cards, one of the cards stuck to her. There was a cup in the card the card, symbol was a card. “That’s the mortal cup,” Chase said. “What is the mortal cup?” Carrie asked. “It’s the cup that made the shadow hunters,” Chase explained.


The author's comments:
What inspired me was an awsome movie call Mortal instruments

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