Cupids Bow | Teen Ink

Cupids Bow

January 20, 2014
By Emma Vernon BRONZE, Stockton, New Jersey
Emma Vernon BRONZE, Stockton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A People magazine sits on the toilet lid;

The words “LOOK BETTER NAKED!” screams at her face. The magazine is plastered with a stick-thin model, seductively pulling up the hem of her shirt with one manicured hand and clutching at her curly hair with the other. Her eyes blank; though her expression oozes with sex; from her pouting lips, chiseled cheek-bones, perfect brows, and huge, large, lifeless eyes.

She runs a small hand over her flat, undeveloped chest,
And stares herself in the face, refusing to let the alligator tear fall,
but it overflows the brim of her doey eye and falls down the front of her shirt, where C cups should be filling out her Justice sweatshirt, according to Teen Vogue.

She sulks out of her pink bathroom, and sits in front of her Barbie special edition vanity, fully equipped with a plastic brush (real bristles), she gazes back at herself and searches for something to like, one single endearing thing.

Sliding open her makeup drawer, she uncaps the lipstick and unskillfully traces the lines of her thin lips, skidding the stick messily over her shapeless cupid’s bow
hinting at the beauty yet to come, but she does not see.

Finally, she climbs into her butterfly duvet and in one fluid motion, slides under the deep comforter and lets it completely envelope her. She ached for the night to forget herself in sleep.

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