An Idea With Which to Paint the Sky | Teen Ink

An Idea With Which to Paint the Sky

January 22, 2014
By edaj17 BRONZE, Boone, Iowa
edaj17 BRONZE, Boone, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That idea. The idea of getting to know someone in a way that you don't know anyone else. Like you could almost paint the sky full of each and every piece of information that you've ever learned about them. Someone you can spend time with, doing absolutely nothing, and still feel perfectly content. Someone that you can talk to about anything, staying up all night, just talking about the places you want to go, the things you want to see, everything you've ever dreamed about your life, never stopping to think about what to say next. Someone to grow old with.

Not the relationships that happen just for the label; something real. Something worthwhile. Those people that go around, desperately trying to make any relationship work, trying to direct fate; That's not what it's like. It's just patiently awaiting the day that something real finally falls into place; Waiting. Waiting for destiny to take its route.

It's just one of those things, weighing down the back of your mind; Like a can of food in the very back of a pantry; You're not always aware of its existence, but it's there. A hope, a wish, just nestled in the heart. Waiting.

The times that you are aware of it though, it's color missing from the pages. An empty paper bag, void of contents. An empty swingset, lacking play. Like waiting for the rain: Impatient. Unpredictable. It's unpredictable.

The best things, you never know when they're going to happen. They just do. All on their own. On their own terms. It could be any time, anywhere. Walking along the street, a warm summer day. Sitting in a coffee shop, a frozen winter evening. Anywhere. It's a star, waiting to shoot across the sky. A baby bird, waiting to spread its wings, to soar endlessly; Forever. Love, it's unpredictable. Real love; It will come when it needs to. Love. A faint little star, waiting for its day, its time to brighten, to grow, to reach its full potential. Love. It will come. It will. Someday...

The author's comments:
This piece is about the idea of real, worthwhile love that everyone dreams about and hopes for at some point. About the idea of falling in love and finding the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with.

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