The 17 hundreds | Teen Ink

The 17 hundreds

January 29, 2014
By comet4sierra BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
comet4sierra BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


In 1762 a man came up with master plans in building a beautiful house for wealthy people to get together and have a good time. The land on which the house was being built, was a large private piece of property that was hidden away from the main streets and other houses. Before they started construction, the features on the land, had a big oak tree in the front right hand corner and next to it was a small pond. Otherwise it was completely flat with tall grass surrounded by tall trees. When they started on construction, at first there wasn't enough money but an anonymous donor covered all expenses and were able to carry on with the project. Besides that little mishap it was smooth sailing till the end. The house was finished in 1788, 26 years later. In the finishing stages of the house the builder died of an incurable disease. His death was sad and in memory of him the workers planned to put a memorial at the house.
The house was finished now and it stood almost 3 stories tall, and it was only made of the finest woods and carved by the greatest craftsman. Approaching the home, trees were planted lining the street. Surrounding the house was a Tall fence and two tall gates. When first coming up onto the house you noticed the fountains sitting in the front perfectly symmetrical with the center of the house. Around it was a small patch of green grass and surrounding that was a pebbled road. Still standing in the front of the yard was the oak and small pond. The house was a dark red with brown roof, white windowsills, and black shutters.

When you first entered into the house you saw a dual staircase leading up to the second level, then you saw the usual, the dining room, living room, kitchen, and a few rooms upstairs. But besides from that, in the center of the house was a giant ballroom that opens to the second level, allowing people to keep King you and that the teapot you can make regular tea and that rate need to just take that little thing out there could you like that the overlook it. This massive room had two giant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The floors were made of beautiful oak as well as the pillars that held up the second floor.

At this special place were held many balls, for people that got invites, many known people came to the house to get away from it all, and have a good time. Through the generations paintings of all famous people were put up, to recognize how special this place really was. These paintings mainly included presidents, wealthy people, and owners of the house.

The house was kept clean and tidy and restored every other winter. The owner of the house said that he would pass down the house to his son or daughter and they would do the same. This went on for many generations, Intel one of the branches was cut off because they had no children or relatives. The house was sold to the highest bidder, which could keep it in shape and out of bankruptcy. After that happens the house went to many people. And eventually was just a regular old house nothing special some of the owners didn't even know its history. And eventually the house was just abandon all that stuff still inside, nothing moved or restored for 20 years.

For 20 long years the house was without an owner, for 20 years it was just left there, decaying, breaking down, and losing color it once had. And for the longest time it was put on the market but the bank could not sell it, because there were no documents to the land.

Present day

Down long road a truck drove up to two big gates. The truck stopped opening the door a woman appeared smiling. From behind the two gates she saw an old house, which looked sad and down. On the outside of the house were broken shutters, Windows, and decking and a few holes in the roof. The woman walked over to the gate, and pulled out a key from her pocket. She took the key and unlocked the chain that was around the two gates. She opened them widely and went back to her car and drove it up to the house. Once she parked her car she got out, and carefully stepped up onto the deck, trying to make her steps as light as possible. Pulling out another key unlocked the front door and went inside. She gasped in amazement as she imagined what had happened in the house many years ago. Then the excitement she ran over to all of the furniture covered in white cloth and on covered them. She imagined it more when she uncovered more things in the house. Big picture started to come into mind, she started to realize what had happened in this house, so many memories.
She ran up and down the stairs checking everything out, she was amazed that everything was still in the house, for being abandoned so long. Then she found herself in the attic, she started looking crazily through old documents, and everything that was left behind. Astonished of the find that she found. She just thought to herself, “I have to restore this house, this house doesn't deserve to be abandoned and not loved."

The next day she brought a few people, and a truck to haul things in. She spoke with them with excitement and enthusiasm, she showed them I feel old pictures of the house around the time when there were cameras and a few newer pictures. The other builders started working on the house trying to restore it to its original form. The few long weeks they spent working on the house were tiresome and backbreaking. Once they finally had restore and repay needed the outside it was finally time to work on the inside.

For a few days the woman had let the other builders take the day off, and in that time frame the woman had cleaned everything in the house, silverware, furniture, dishes, and floors. She was so determined to finish this house, she did not take any days off and she stayed there late finishing some stuff.

A month had passed and they were finally done. She was so happy and amazed what the team had done, she simply could not let the house go. She was so amazed with the house that she bought it from the bank the day after they finished. Then she let her family now and he moved into the house. Her family was so proud to be the owners of the historical landmark. She also restored the Memorial of the man that built the house, to make it stand out, and to tell her family and others, the brilliancy of the house's design.

The end

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