Leaving the past | Teen Ink

Leaving the past

February 1, 2014
By Ghizlane BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Ghizlane BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up in the morning feeling excited and ready for a change. I knew the day has come. The day to say goodbye to my old and boring life in my country. It was the day I am going to the United States of America and leave all the past behind me. I stood up with a big smile on my face. As I was walking out of my bedroom, I remembered my cousins stayed at my house for the night. Since it was my last night at my house or in my country, they decided to stay with me. They were sleeping in the guest room. I went to the bathroom, which was between my room and the guestroom. After taking a shower and putting makeup on, which was lip gloss and a bit of eye liner, I went back to my room carefully not to make any noise that can wake up my cousins. I picked up my new and nice jeans and a top. My top was in peach, and it had summer flowers in it. After getting dressed and ready I smelled the morning coffee. I followed the sweet smell of coffee to the kitchen where my mother was, preparing breakfast for me. “Yummy! Breakfast smells delicious today. Thanks mom!” I said with excitement. I drank my coffee first thing and I started on a blueberry cupcake. Blueberry has been and still is one of my favorite flavors. My mom looked at me with a sad face, as if someone has died. I was going to ask her what is wrong, but I thought leaving my country must be the reason for her sadness. I felt bad to see my mother like that, but I didn’t understand why she was so sad. It’s true I was going to leave for a long while, but I can still call her everyday. She doesn’t have to worry about me at all. My father is already there and I will live with him. My mother didn’t approve for me to go the U.S. at first. I tried to convince her that I have to go for the right reason, which was going to college. She has always said that college in my country is the same in the U.S. I have always wanted to go to the U.S. and finish my studies in there and have a different life. I couldn’t let her stop me from pursuing my dream and my future. As I was looking at my mother’s sad face, my cousins came in to the kitchen. They were all sad too, which killed me even more in the inside. I wished they were happy as I was. One of them came and sat on the chair next to me. She looked at me strangely and hugged me. She whispered “I will miss you”, and then she let go of me. It was strange that I didn’t feel the same way. I guess I was too excited to even think about not seeing my family for a while. I smiled at her, and I continued eating my cupcake. It was 9:00 A.M., and I still had an hour until my plane fly in the air, taking me away from here. I had my baggage ready. My cousins helped me take them down stairs. As we were carrying the last baggage, My uncle came in to the house. I was happy to see him. My uncle has always been a father figure to me, since my father was never around. I remember he used to always take me to the park when I was young and he would push me high up on a swing. I loved that feeling, when I am pushed really high as if I were flying and that is the thing I have always wanted to do, flying up in the sky, and seeing the world from above. My uncle helped to carrying the baggage out. After he placed the baggage in the car, I noticed my uncle standing beside the car looking directly at me. His facial expression looked as if he’s sad. I walked up to him and smiled. I told him to take care of my mother. He smiled and said” Don’t worry, she will be safe. Take care of yourself. I will miss you.” I couldn’t stop my tears from coming out of my eyes. I hugged him and at that moment I realized I wouldn't see him, my mother, my cousins, or my family maybe in years. I will miss out the time when my family has a reunion once a week. I will miss out so many great moments when my family get together that I enjoyed in the past. They were unforgettable. Just then, it finally hit me, I was leaving Morocco.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by a similar event that happened to me.

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