The Survival of the Fittest | Teen Ink

The Survival of the Fittest

February 7, 2014
By Anonymous

They both endured hardships, just like anyone else. They became something better than what they came from, never letting their life experiences take a hold of them and make them a victim. Over powering the victim mind-state was the main reason they lived through everything and became who they are today.

Salva, an eleven year old boy from Sudan, ran away from his village because of how much violence came that way. The war started his journey. He ran from school when he heard gun shots. He walked and walked for years. He eventually covered all of Africa. On foot. He reminds me much of Jessica. Her parents separated in a devastating way when she was only six years old. She mentally ran from these events trying to keep from being grasped by the victim mentality she was at risk of. It took her years to figure that night out. The night that defined and changed her from an innocent child to a dented and slightly damaged child.

The common ground here is that they both had one event that snatched the rug right out from their feet at a young age. Salva walked across deserts for miles and miles looking for refugee camps. Coming across just about everything you can imagine. He was even attacked by armed rebels. Jessica dealt with multiple hardships as well. They ranged from depression to suicide attempts. She had a hard time defining and finding herself.

As their journeys continued, they both eventually found times where they felt like things would change. Salva found a few refugee camps. Jessica found some sort of mental stability in her life. These times didn't last long and occurred somewhat frequently. No matter what came their way they always kept hope. Even if they couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. They always knew something would have to give, life couldn't continue the way it was. It always got better. After all these ups and downs, their lives finally found a source of long lasting stability. Salva, who ended up in the United States, went back to Sudan to build wells in remote villages. Jessica dealt with all the things that haunted her which let her go on to be a successful psychologist. They both went on from their hard ships to help those who were dealing with what they had once dealt with.

In the end, after their long journeys. They amounted to more than anybody thought they would be. They had desire, determination, hope, and the want to survive. They did just that. Survived through the rough and the slightly easier times. They never knew each other, never knew the other even existed, yet they have so many similarities.

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