What a Shame | Teen Ink

What a Shame

January 25, 2014
By Princesssaa BRONZE, San Ramon, California
Princesssaa BRONZE, San Ramon, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can be the juicest, ripest peach in the world, but there is always going to be someone who hates peaches"

Long brown hair, naturally highlighted but you couldn't tell unless you asked. She had these dark brown eyes that had a tint of redness at all times, strange, but alluring. A welcoming smile that she wore at all times. Her originality that was never recognized much by anyone but herself.She did everything she was willing to with heart. You would never see another girl with such genuine compassion, such honest drive, or such a clean soul. She somehow saw the light in everything, perhaps which is why she doesn't give up despite that she blindly has one leg in a hole. The other trying to stay strong; standing one legged on the ground.
She was so colorful.


Now she is grey. nor alive nor dead.

What a Shame.

I see her walking by herself, and can't help but wonder what killed her. I know she was killed because her smile was no longer worn, in place a solid face. Her clean soul turned cold. She was no longer warm. Her beautiful eyes...oh my, those poor eyes. Those eyes were now vague. Colorless. Black. I don't know if she has convinced herself that no one notices, but we all do. One who was once so humble, beautiful, and beyond compare; she will be noticed. Therefore when she is broken and crumbled, she is too noticed.
What a Shame.
Her kind is dangerous. She was an angel sent and disguised as a human, or was she a human disguised as an angel? It doesn't matter, because now she is at war with the devil that tried to kill her, explaining the leg in the hole. Stuck. A girl who was so blissful, so jolly, and captivated made everyone who came her way feel loved. She had that effect on people, including me.
Now she is cold and I despise whomever took her innocence and disturbed her peace. Because everyone who comes her way now looks away. To think that the one girl whose light was the spark to the fire, is now the one who puts the fire out.
What a Shame.


The author's comments:
The only way I can write authentically is if I write about myself and my perspective. This piece shares a part of me that came to life in hardship. I hope you can relate in one way or another!

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