Petals In the Misty- Chapter 1 | Teen Ink

Petals In the Misty- Chapter 1

February 2, 2014
By Christinaantoci BRONZE, Hoschton, Georgia
Christinaantoci BRONZE, Hoschton, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I like the challenge of trying different things and wondering whether it&#039;s going to work or whether I&#039;m going to fall flat on my face.<br /> Johnny Depp

6:13 AM School, Why do I have to participate in such a heart racing, heart wrenching and suffocating daytime activity? I absolutely hate every single aspect of my day life. Mostly because it consists of school, and because I have absolutely lost all sort of respect towards everyone; including my family.

See the thing is my so called family likes to eat my heart out. In a way called deception. Ever since I was a little lady I have always remembered my guardians screaming for bloody murder at each other. It was mostly caused by my father. He was the most despicable man. I don’t even know if I can call him that anymore, a man. He would come home from the Bus station every other Tuesday. He would yell at every one for no reason. Just to take out all the spite in his body and pour it out on us. Of course my mother would be horrified by his actions. When this soap opera like performance would go on, I would resort to the steaming shower. But as I got older the time he would spend away from us was stretched out. Never did I ever think someone could just leave, until it happens to you

The author's comments:
what inspired me to write this story is any teenager that has suffered from depression/ mental illness.

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