The Last Message! | Teen Ink

The Last Message!

February 2, 2014
By HuzaifahMalik BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
HuzaifahMalik BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

While sitting at the dinner table, Sandy kept updating her Facebook news feed and twitter on her tablet continuously. With each single bite of fried chicken, she scrolled down the screen.
Sandy revered her small virtual corner of her away from her family members who sat right next to her. Her parents observed her flow into virtual obliviousness, but they didn’t say anything. Her family used to call her a Cyber Junkie. Very few of the Facebook posts made her giggle while other shifted her mood into deep thoughts. Throughout this period, she paid no attention to what was going on around her, and she didn't even bothered to think what her parents would say.

This had become a habit for her. Sandy spent her whole day on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and BBM. She didn’t feel like offering the religious duties. She spent her whole day updating various tweets and following her favorite artists.

It was a sunny and charming day. Sandy looked outside her window to feel the charm of the weather. She took a break from her cell phone, and sat right next to her window. Suddenly she saw some kids playing frisbee in the suburbs. She heard some kids giggling and cheering. She wore her favorite purplish long sleeve shirt with a Hollister logo on it. She finished her breakfast, and stepped outside the house. As usual, she forgot to say “bye” to her parents.
She was driving to university, which was 3-4 miles away from her house. Suddenly, her cell phone beeped. It was a WhatsApp message. She wanted to see but, because of the heavy traffic she couldn’t. She thought it might be her friend’s message with whom she was planning to go to the club that night. A few minutes later, she started rummaging through her handbag desperately and finally found it in the inner left side pocket of her handbag. She constantly took a quick glance of it. Suddenly, her attention diverted to her cell phone and she didn’t even notice the big truck which was coming her way.
The horn of that truck started deafening furiously. Nevertheless, she was involved in reading the WhatsApp message. The horn of the truck was indicating an enormous trouble. Before she could look up, the truck plunged straight into her car and a booming explosion erupted from the car accident, and then there was complete darkness, it lasted for three minutes. The last thing that she remembered was seeing the tiny WhatsApp icon on the shelf of her cell phone.
Within a matter of seconds she jolted into consciousness. There were strange people all around her which made her more anxious. She squinted through her eyelashes and tried to recognize someone, but unfortunately due to the crowd she couldn’t recognize anybody. She tried her best to listen out for some familiar voices, but the people around her made a big circle and they were talking in hushed voices. Suddenly, she heard someone yelling out but the voice faded, and she suddenly went back into unconsciousness
The loud voice of man jerked her back to reality, a nurse turned on a machine on the right side of her head. The high sound beeper pierced through her brain and she yelled out, “Someone please turn that thing off”. During all of the ruckus around her she realized that she forgot to reply to her friend on WhatsApp.
“Where is my cell phone?” she said, “I have to reply to my friend.”
In a moment, she felt a dreadful ache which burst through in her body and the pain caused her to become dizzy. After a couple of minutes, she opened her eyes to see what was going on around her, she tried to see, but the light which was above her head was too bright that she couldn’t see anything. A few minutes later, she started realizing that where she was; it wasn’t her home, it wasn't her university and then her pain faded.

Images of her eating ice cream, playing monopoly with her siblings, watching a comedy movie, flashed by her eyes. She was herself arguing with her mom, scolding at her, playing hide and seek with her friends, and having tons of fun. But, when this time she opened her eyes, she saw her family members and they had their back towards her. She was so relaxed to see them. She missed them a lot, and all she wanted to do was to hug them to feel the security of her family. But, soon she realized that her mom didn’t seem happy at all. She was howling uncontrollably, and her father was seemed to be panic. She got up from the bed and moved towards them to nudge them, and to let them know that everything was going to be fine, but they didn’t move. They stood there, and tried to ignore her existence completely.
“Why the hell are they crying?”, she thought.
“I’m right here, in front of you guys!”
“I amm hereeee” she yelled out, but they didn’t seem to hear her.
After all of that, she started to be anxious, and decided to call out to her mother instead, and thought she would reply. “Mom will hear me”, she thought, “She will tell me that everything is fine”, she thought.
But unfortunately nothing happened, she couldn’t hear her, she couldn’t see her or hug her, in fact nobody could. She was no longer a part of their world anymore, but she was in another world.
“Why are you guys trying to ignore me? Why aren’t you listening to me mom? I know it was my mistake, I should’ve stopped spending time on social media. Please forgive me! Just give me one more chance, so that I can show you something! Just give me another chance, I can set things right. It was my fault that I couldn’t understand anything, it was my fault that I couldn’t understand that nothing can replace the love and support of a family. I was too busy in my virtual world that I had no idea what was going on. Please give me a last chance?
But again nothing happened, it was a vain attempt.

After couple of minutes, she was told by a voice that her time in this world was about to end. All she could do was shed tears. She pleaded for one last time. She wanted to tell them that she loved them with all of her heart. She wanted to let them know that she was sorry for everything and she already missed them a lot. She wanted one more time, but her time was over and she couldn’t do anything.

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