Equal Chances | Teen Ink

Equal Chances

February 3, 2014
By ChrisAR3212 BRONZE, Doral, Florida
ChrisAR3212 BRONZE, Doral, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Marina was walking out of class. She noticed there was an attractive blonde girl talking with a member of her LGBTQA Stonewall Alliance club. She walks towards them, as she gets closer she notices that they aren’t talking, but fighting. She hears the attractive blonde girl making fun of Marina’s friend for holding hands with her girlfriend. Marina is runs to her friends.

“What is your problem?” Marina said. The two girls continue fighting as if they didn’t hear Marina. Marina walks in between the two girls. Marina looks straight into the attractive girl’s beautiful blue eye.
“What are you doing? Can’t you see that we’re having a conversation?” said the attractive girl.

“Tell me, what exactly are you two talking about? Because what I’m hearing is a whole bunch of bull,” said Marina. She breathes in slowly and exhales heavily.

“I’m having a conversation with this gal who was touching that other girl too much,” said the attractive girl. When she finally sees Marina’s face she is flustered.

“Are you talking about them holding hand?”


Marina breathes heavily once more, “Why do these two girls holding hands bother you?”
The attractive girl looks at Marina’s beautiful face, and then she looks at the floor with a pitiful expression on her face. “I don’t know.”

“Can you please apologize to my friend?” Marina said. The attractive girl looks at Marina’s eyes and does what she is told. Marina’s friend thanks her and leaves.

“I wish I had a friend like you,” The attractive girl looks at Marina’s eye once more.

Marina looks at the attractive girl and realizes that the girl likes Marina. “So when were you going to tell me you like girls?”

The attractive girl looks at Marina in shock. “How’d you know?” Marina looks at the attractive laughs..

“I mean I’ve grown up in an environment full of different people. Plus I have pretty good gaydar,” said Marina.

“Why am I so stupid?” said the attractive girl.

“You’re not stupid, you’re different from the person you wish to be,” said Marina.

Just stop. Why are you even being nice to me? I was making fun of your friend,”

“Even though that is true, I believe everyone deserves a chance. Everyone has made a mistake in their life, but that doesn’t make them a bad person.”

“I think your really nice, kind, honest, and pretty,” the attractive girl is in shock after saying that. She looks at Marina blushing and immediately says “I’m sorry that just came out.”

“I’m flattered but, I don’t even know what your name is.”

“Oh, well, hello my name is Fran.”

The author's comments:
This Short Story is about a homophobic woman who finds herself in tight situation when she fights with a LGBT activist.

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