The True Me | Teen Ink

The True Me

February 11, 2014
By lunarhamberger BRONZE, Pfluerville, Texas
lunarhamberger BRONZE, Pfluerville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show life 1000 reasons to smile."- Bella Thorne

I think that I have hidden my true self for so long so now I haven't the slightest idea about who I really am. 
But now I know. I'm a girl. I am a scholar and a writer. I'm alone and shy. I get my feelings hurt. I cry. I fall in love. I get my heart broken, and then fall in love again. I am a wonderful actress from all the torture. I hide my true feelings. People say that I don't feel emotion. I cry when everyone else is gone, asleep, or when I am alone. People mistake me for an extremely untouchable, unreachable person when all I want is a friend. My home life isn't perfect. I got bullied for being myself so I now hide beneath a mask. When people taunt me, I just brush it off like I don't care, but I do care. My room is my safe haven. Nothing ever can hurt me here. It's where all of my secrets hide. Writing lets me finally contribute my real self to the world without being made fun of for it. I'm scared of everything but those fears must put aside to protect the people I love. People come to me with their problems and I help them. No one can help me though. My brain is filled with a thousand lyrics and a million memories. Councilors think I'm fine and just faking it. They never will know. One mistake and everyone judges you based on that. Your previous life doesn't matter if you let even the slightest secret out. You may have won a million contests but if you have a bad day and don't do your best, you will only be remembered for that one bad day. I force myself to smile, even though I feel like crying. No one will truly get why someone is like how they are until they walk a mile in their shoes. Like me. Everyone knows my name, not my story.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece after my crush got a girlfriend and my day was going very badly. I was just ready to get all of my feelings out so I could have some peace when I went to bed thy night. This piece was mostly inspired by my best friend. She will never fully understand me and my home life but I love her anyways. I hope that people have a different perspective when they look at someone.

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