No Matter What I Will Prevail | Teen Ink

No Matter What I Will Prevail

February 20, 2014
By MonkeyLaw BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
MonkeyLaw BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I entered the boxing club, the stench of stale sweat hung in the air caused my nose to wrinkle in a pointless effort to stop the infiltration of the sordid odor. The room was putrid and oppressive; it was like a moist towel that suffocated my nostrils. This was enough to make bile slowly climb up my throat, but I forced it down. As I was walking past the boxing ring I observed the beginners try to accomplish a step jab and another try a right cross. I was appalled at how they could not perform any of these simple moves. I could easily bring each and every one of them to their knees, but I was a master at boxing and won countless championships. As I was reminiscing about my infinite number of victories, a voice interrupted my thoughts. I whirled my head around and spotted my friend Leonardo waving his hand around like a madman as he ran towards me. He gave me a crooked smile before saying, “Hey Bruce! Wanna throw some swings? I know you’ve been itching for a fight all day.”
I smiled at Leo, wondering which dim-wit had the audacity to challenge me to a match, “Who am I facing today, Leo?” I chuckled a bit, knowing that I could floor this punk easily, however, my chuckles ceased when I looked at Leo. He did not look like himself anymore his features became blotched up and his crooked smile morphed into the twisted smile of the Cheshire cat.
He slowly stepped closer to me and whispered, “I’m not so sure you should be so eager to face this opponent, Bruce. They are an extremely strong opponent. You’ll have a difficult time defeating them.” His smile turned into a sinister smirk. The blood drained out of my face. My heartbeat quickened. My palms became sweaty and I was anxious. Who could this opponent be?
I gave Leo a shaky smile, “Leo, stop joking around. Just tell me who it is.” My voice cracked towards the end and hesitance and trepidation washed over me. I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking. It was as if time froze, the sounds around me dulled, and my heart ceased to beat. My body was preparing me for the worst. Beads of sweat formed on my brow and my entire being was riddled with anxiousness.
It felt like eternity before Leo answered my question and my body was on standby preparing to flee. I was on edge and hoped Leo would hurry up and answer me but at the same time I was apprehensive hoping that he would never answer the question. Just then Leo answered the question that had me on edge, “Your opponent is…” In that moment I felt my whole world collapse, knowing exactly what he was about to say. I tried to block it out, tried to forget about its existence. I turned around and bolted but Leo’s demented face filled my vision. There was no escape. I froze in horror, the blood ceased to flow through my body. It felt like I was punched in the gut and the breath was knocked out of my entire being. I could not breathe. Tears filled my eyes and I swallowed, I tried to restrain the tears that formed but they escaped the clutches of my lids and slowly the salty liquid traveled down my cheeks.
I wanted to be anywhere but here. The impending doom that I was about to face crippled me and I shuddered. My body convulsed and I knew that this was the end for me. I couldn’t face this opposition. I knew I wouldn’t be able to win. I did not want to hear the wretched name. I did not want to lose to this horrid being. It would be the death of me. Suddenly rage coursed throughout my body. I was livid. How could I let this thing get to me? I was irate. How could I let that fill me with so much terror? I stood straight and put up my determined face once again, I was not going to let this get to me. I was going to win this fight no matter what! I steeled myself and let out the breath I was holding. I slowly turned and faced Leo, determination filled me and I knew I could face this. I was ready for his answer. I was ready to win this.
As he said my opponent’s name, I whispered it with him. “Cancer is your opponent.”

The author's comments:
My English teacher told us to write a short story. I had no idea what to write about, but as I was on the bus and observing people, I realized why not write about something that anyone can go through. I chose cancer because many people suffer from it, but they can also fight it and win.

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