Epic Fail | Teen Ink

Epic Fail

February 13, 2014
By MarandaR GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
MarandaR GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Epic Fail

Aggh! I was surrounded by banging hammers, sawing, and the singing of ignorant men.

"Could you please keep it down out there!" I hollered.

One of the most unintelligable looking men I 've ever seen stared up at me-a tiny ant trapped at the top of my office staircase until today's reconstruction is completed.

"You got it boss," he sneered with a sly creeping grin.

I retreated back into my office and slammed the door. I mean honestly! This is only the fifth time within four hours that I've yelled to the obnixous morons below.

At least it was finally quiet. I breathed a long sigh of relief and logged back into my computer. Suddenly, the noise resumed with the utmost deliberance I've ever know in my life! Indistinguishable blurbs of foreign dance songs beat on my office door as the construction me bellered songs in their foreign tongue above the equipment noise.

I dropped my head down onto the smooth cool dark wood of my desk. Then I fumbled around my office drawer for an asprin. The stress of my work, finance tracking, was enough to give me a splitting headache; but even worse was to have that stress coupled with bellering and the noise of reconstruction equipment. Today would not end soon enough.


I woke a lunch break and four hours later to an errily quiet room. I immediately straightened and checked the time on my laptop...5pm . Urg! My day was officially over and I hadn't gotten anything done! I packed up my things and unplugged my laptop so that I could take it home to complete my work. When I opened the door to descend the reconstructed stair case my mouth dropped so that my chin was resting on my chest. Almost instantaneously my blood began to boil. As I examed the handiwork more and more, I just got more and more mad.

The construction crew had build my staircase from my elevated platform directly up to the ceiling! I was completely trapped!

"Help!" my voice echoed in the ceiling. "Someone help me please!"

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and bright flash of neon orange and green darted out the door. I recognized this flash of color as the construction vests of the workers. I caught a small glimpse of orange and green again as four more flashes raced onward towards the door, following close behind the first worker I saw!

"Hey you! Come back here! Help me please!" I shouted.

Silence closed in on me as silence settled on my shoulder's like a cloak. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Dead. I slowly turned around intent on heading back into my office, when tipptoeing footsteps sounded.

"Enjoy your new staircase you crusty old man!"

I whirled around just in time to see the sly creeping grin flashing over the face of the construction man. Then he too ran out.

I walked back into my office and dropped my head on my desk as I prepared for the long night ahead of me.

The author's comments:
This story was inspired by through a class activity. We each collected a photo from the internet of a random person and a random place. We then passed the photos certain directions and places in a large circle ie 2 places left. Whatever combination of the two photos we received we were to create a story about.

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