A Fishy Situation | Teen Ink

A Fishy Situation

February 13, 2014
By 16elkinga BRONZE, New Bremen, Ohio
16elkinga BRONZE, New Bremen, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Slowly we tip toed to the doorbell, lunging and hopping over brunches, to avoid making a noise. After the arduous walk to the door, Kylie and I dropped the bags and peered through the window. We scanned through the living room, not expecting to see anyone, but suddenly we heard the noise of someone coming down the steps. First Kylie and I looked at each other in fear; then back in the window. We made eye contact with boy coming down the steps. Before we knew it we were sprinting back to the car as fast as a cop chasing a speeding car.

We made it back to the car and questions were thrown at us by our friends; however, we were to out of breath to reply.
“What happened!?” yelled Sarah.
“Did they see you?” asked Paige.
It was a mixture of laughter and fear in the car. Finally Kylie and I retrieved our breath.
“They saw us!” I said, but before any more questions could be asked; Julia pointed out the boys charging at us.
“Lock the doors!” yelled Julia.
It was too late. One of them already opened Sarah’s car door and was in the car with us. Next thing we knew another one was on the hood of the car. Sarah starting driving! He rolled off the car, but one was still in the car with us! The other boys outside of the car began throwing the bags with fish in it. The bags were the ones we had earlier put on their porch. They busted when they hit the windshield. The boy in the car with us got out helping the other boys get revenge on us.

We sprinted away in the car. All of us girls were hungry so we drove to McDonalds. After eating we walked back out to the car and found peanut butter all over the door handles. Right away we knew who it was. The senior boys were back for revenge. It was war.

It was our turn to get back at them. We drove straight to the Dollar General to grab supplies. My friends and I got confetti and Vaseline. We drove back to their cars and coated the door handles with the Vaseline. Kylie and I sprinkled the confetti all over the outside of the cars.

Driving away we thought the war would be over; however, the boys did not. They drove around town looking for us. When the found us they followed us for hours. Turning many different directions we tried to lose them. Eventually we had to give up because we were running out of gas, so we pulled into Julia’s drive way in hopes that they would just keep driving. Of course they pulled right in behind our car, parking us in. Everyone stepped out of the cars and we decided to make trues. The boys promised us they would not pull anymore pranks tonight, and we promised the same. We agreed to go to the car wash and help each other clean the cars.

Earlier that day when we were brainstorming ideas on what to do that night we didn’t think it would lead to this. Before the war had begun we bought twenty six fish from Wal-Mart. Each fish was put in a separate bag and given a name. The bags had a note on them that said “You have been fished. Enjoy your new pet.” Our idea was to put then on peoples porches ring the doorbell and drive away. We did this to friends, coaches, and even teachers. Most people thought it was funny and loved the idea. However some saw it as a great opportunity to mess with the sophomore girls. Who knew that a few fish in bags would lead to slimy peanut butter door handles and confetti covered cars. It was an adventurous night and we certainly learned a lesson: not to mess with the senior boys.

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