Miracles | Teen Ink


February 14, 2014
By Justin Le BRONZE, Mountain View, California
Justin Le BRONZE, Mountain View, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"I need you to get the essay for our project done by tomorrow." Gavin said

"Do you think I'm a miracle worker?" I replied.
"Just get it done!" Gavin said frustrated.
As he walked out I felt something in my pocket when I pulled it out all it was a was piece of paper that said "Welcome". Instantly I was teleported to a large circular room. Looking around I saw other confuse people and a few people Dressed in robes as if they were a made of pure ice and snow. Soon, one of those dressed in robes walked up to me.
"Welcome initiate"
"W-w-where am I? Who are you? Why am I here?" I asked trembling.
"Relax, relax, relax this is the Crystal Palace and you are here because you said the words miracle worker by saying these words you are automatically become a miracle worker."
"How many workers are there?"
"There are exactly 326,491 miracle workers and staff."
"What do the staff do? I asked.
"The staff are made up of welcomers, registration, committee, teachers, and the miracle king."
"What does the miracle king do?"
"They choose what miracles can and cannot be granted. The king is advised by the committee. Each is chosen by the former Emperor for their outstanding deeds."
"So even I could be Emperor?"
"Well.... yes, but you must be registered first. Just put your hand on the glowing crystal."
As I walked to the Crystal I could feel an odd aura coming off it. Once I put my hand on it I was teleported to what look like an airport terminal, but there are no flights only big signs that said registration.
"Hi, how can I help you?" The person behind the counter asked.
"I'm here to register" I replied.
"Oh, okay I'll need you to fill out this form she said as she handed me the form. When I read and filled out the form everything seems normal until I got to the bottom there was a blue pill.
"What is this?"
"That is a traker pill.It allows us to monitor your location and keep a history of all of your miracles.It is mandatory that you take it.
"Umm, alright." I said as I put the pill in my mouth and swallowed.
"Congratulations, you are now miracle worker. Please head to the lecture hall to begin your training."
As I open the door I felt the magnificence inside the lecture hall. It was Like a lecture hall I saw while visiting a college.There it could fit hundreds, but here could fit thousands.
"Welcome Welcome initiate" an elderly man said as he walked out "I am Grandmaster Octavian and I'll be your teacher for training please have a seat everyone."
"Now then let's begin, I'm sure you are all familiar with the word miracle but you know how miracles happen? They happen with us miracle workers. We used to be normal people which I presume you were you all work but ever since you spoke to word miracle worker you become one cannot worry about your family and friend's minds have been completely erased of anything involving you."
"A general gasp came from the whole class. A student raises his hand "what if we meet someone we know?"
"All miracle workers are invisible."
Another student raised her hand "Will we ever see our family and friends again?"
"Yes the miracle king will become reintegrated into society and while still having the power as he or she had when being a miracle worker."
Whole class knew their goal was to become king.
“Alas to be the king you must complete complete many great miracles or complete a personal miracle for the king. Surprisingly the king does have a miracle to be granted.”
The whole class was instantly at the edge of their seats. “His miracle is for someone to enter the Chamber of Miracles, and to enter the Chamber of Miracles one must be assigned and complete a grand miracle but these miracles are either assigned by skill or been requested by name but beware these miracles are major and will be very difficult. For example one of the last great miracles were to quell a war. “For now you must begin training.”
And so we begin training techniques of finding items from people for retrieval miracles, techniques to convince others to do things for our miracle wishers of course it was long and slightly boring but eventually we finished.
“Now remember class, you should be receiving your first miracle class today. Requests are chosen based off your experience or requested by name. For now I recommend you to explore the Crystal Palace.”
As I walked around I could understand why they call it the Crystal Palace. It was built like medieval palaces but there also seemed to be icy blue crystals growing here but there wasn’t not enough to hide the major parts of the palace. Soon, as I was walking down the hallway I saw someone running down the hallway with a backpack and papers flying out.
“H-here, take it.” the boy said
“Is this my miracle?” I said
Like that he handed my a letter with big read letters “GRAND” That peaked my interest. Soon I was sitting in a chair in the library opening the letter.
“This is a grand miracle request. You are tasked with settling a war between the Americans and Canadians. Go talk to America’s leader, he will be the easier to convince.”
I could feel the cold air blow as I walked down the main government street. Unfortunately the security doesn’t like it when doors open randomly so I just snuck into the air vents and landed in his office. Thankfully he wasn’t in the room so I just stood there waiting for him to come in.
As he sat down in his chair I walked over and whispered in his ear “Don’t fight.” Instantly his eyes lighted up and he picked up his phone and said “Tell canada we’ll make a treaty”
“Well that was easy” I said as I walk out of the building.
Instantly the letter inside my pocket started to glow. As I reach for it I felt the same aura I felt when I first touched the crystal.
In a flash of blue I was standing in a room with only the miracle king sitting there.
“So you are probably wondering why you are here.”
“Is this the Chamber of Miracles?” I asked.
“Yes it is. I guess a congratulations is in order. Now then, was the test hard?”
“Test?” I asked nervously.
“Yes a test. To test if you have the tongue of miracles.”
“What does that do?”
“It makes all your miracles instant and with no difficulty. All the kings had it. It’s what got them to king, and now you are the new king.”
“I’m the new king?!” I said almost falling to my knees.
“Yes, you fulfilled my request. Congratulations again, new king. But of course there will be new struggles. There are many other miracle “nations” that all compete over the highest amount of miracles granted. Now that you are king you will be in charge of our relations with other “nations”. I hope to see you do a good job on this.

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