The Assassin | Teen Ink

The Assassin

February 24, 2014
By dyedy18 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
dyedy18 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“It’s dark dirty and cold down here,” thought Sam trying to keep warm. The clang of a guard comes down the stone cold stairs. There he is a tall, dirty, buff man in his hand is a rifle and in the other is a knife.

And in his deep voice he say “To day is the day you will pick your punishment. Either death by gun or by the gallows” Five minutes past he just has a blank stare.

“Answer or I will choose for you!” And as stubborn as I am I just sit there.

“Fine since you refuse to answer I will choose for you. You will be hung in the next couple of days at 12:00 p.m. The guard leaves taking his clanging with him.

“Why did I ever try to kill the king or at least by myself.” I said to myself I knew if I was to fail I would be either put in jail forever or killed. And it almost seems to me that I am getting both. So lets recap I try to pass as a filthy servant lost for a year. They are suspicious but they believe me kinda. I was taken to the king they really should've searched me. So when I saw him I grabbed my knife and the first moment I got I threw the knife at the king. But if the guard wouldn't of saw me pull it out I would have for sure killed him. But no it hit him in the arm. then I don't really know what, but I think I was clubbed in the head. And that's how I ended up here. Wait why did I just tell my story to myself? I think I am going crazy, I think to myself. Just then someone yelled from down the hall.


“Ok I would be able to come and eat with you guys but unfortunately I am chained to this wretched wall Iu” I said very annoyed Besides I am cold and sick of this place to move anyway.

“I said its dinner!”

“Well I said I can’t move i'm tied here”

“Ok that's fine I will call your guard I don’t have the time or the pleasure to do it”

“Wouldn't want your greasy hands feeding me anyway.” Sam said with a smile The guard came down the stairs with his clunk again. As usual he complains about the smell and dirt.

“Ok I am here to feed you your food” He started feeding me. Then with a smirk he said..”I am also here to tell you that soon you will be hung.” “When it is time I will come and get you.” I knew I was going to die tomorrow. And with that thought I could not sleep easy. Would you? And what made it worst was that I had nightmares about it I died in every time.

Well I mean they might forget about me. As the thought comes into my mind. The worst sound any person about to be taken away is. Clunk Clunk Clatter here comes the brigade. There they are 3 bulky men with chains, shackles and all that stuff that tortures you until you just want to pass out.

“Samuel!” He says with a deep voice “You tried to kill our great king and for that you will be punished by the gallows.” My heart dropped through the floor and to the center of the earth. “Will you go willingly or shall we force you.
“I will go on your conditions” Might as well go without a fight i'm going to die anyway.
“Thank you now unshackle him and bind his hands and feet.” It went dark I don’t know how but it did.
The roar of the crowd is so loud it wakes me up. “Will you people be quiet I am trying to sleep.” “What ahh”
“Ahh finally you woke up you ready.” Said the priest
“Ready for what?”
“You know what”
“No I don't…. Oh that
I started to cry
“Ok so Im guessing you are ready ok crowd please hush” Everyone went quiet quick.”

“Samuel you are here today to suffer from trying to kill our wonderful king”

A knife flew past my head almost cutting into the rope above me.

“DANIEL!!” Boom Boom Crack he is down before I could focus on him. My only friend is now dead. Im going to die here “Just get this thing over with”

“Ok lets continue so you shall be punished by death itself and you have chosen to die by the gallows.” “Its time.” The buff greasy guard nods. I prayed someone would save me but anyone who tried would just end up as Daniel. Then guard who brought me here reached for the lever. I looked at him with my big eyes. He just looks away. Then…
“For the king” He yells deep into the crowd

“For the king” The crowd responds
Then click the floor opens up and for a split second it seems like I am frozen in air. Like a cartoon before they fall down. Then It hits me like shock instantly hits my body I can’t breathe. Everything is turning black I cant keep my eyes open. Darkness falls.

“Ok looks like he is gone cut him down.” With a thud samuel falls with no movement or sound of voice whatsoever. The crowd Is happy that the threat is gone.

“Now folks this is what happens when you mess with us.” “Anyone else want to try us” Everyone steps back. “Thats what we thought now everyone go back to normal business”

“Sir what do we do with the body?”

“We bury it in the criminal graveyard today”

“Ok everyone lift with your knees ok now drop the casket in the hole.”
“Ok larry fill that hole with dirt completely so nothing can get in or out.”
“Why boss you afraid he is going to come back to life and get revenge” Said larry bumping into him in the shoulder.”

“Nah that's not even possible.”

“Is it?” The guard said curious with wide eyes.

At the homes of all of the people peacefulness set in. Everyone knowing that there glorious king is safe. So they will be safe with his guards and the royal army is watching. But in the one house of the guard who had buried Sam and and killed Sam. He can't sleep because in the air is just the conversation between the normal guard and him it just repeats in his mind. He could recite the whole conversation.

“OK Larry fill that hole with dirt completely so nothing can get in or out.”

“Why boss you afraid he is going to come back to life and get revenge”

“Nah that's not even possible.”

“Is it?”

“Was he really dead?”

The author's comments:
I have finished reading the false prince and runaway king and I really like setting of this time.

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