He Forgot The Date | Teen Ink

He Forgot The Date

February 23, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kimberly and Lawrence were sitting on the couch in the living room. Kimberly was looking through her wedding photo albums. Lawrence was watching the basketball game on TV. He did not seem to pay any attention to Kimberly, who was trying to send him hints about their wedding anniversary. Kimberly and Lawrence have been married for nine years and Kimberly was looking forward to their anniversary, which happened to be right around the corner.
“Remember the day we first met, Kimberly said to her husband of ten years.
“I think I do. Why do you ask?” Lawrence said to his wife.
“Oh nothing really, I was just doing some thinking...,” She said.
“Oh okay,” Said Lawrence, as he continued watching the game.
Kimberly just rolled her eyes. “Do you know if any special events are going on next week?” She said with excitement.
“No I don’t,” he said all nonchalant.
“You have got to be kidding me.”, She said with a look of disgust on her face.
“What?” He said innocently.
“How could you sit there and act like our anniversary means nothing to you?” She said.
“Our anniversary is next week?” Lawrence said while looking puzzled at Kimberly.
Kimberly’s eyes started to water. “How could you forget about the day we got married? I thought you loved me, but I guess you do not. I married you despite what my parents said. I gave you two handsome boys. I cook and clean and never get anything in return. I MEAN IT IS THE LITTLE THINGS THAT MATTER TO ME. ALL THAT I HAVE DONE FOR YOU AND THIS FAMILY AND YOU CANNOT EVEN REMEMBER OUR ANNIVERSARY!!!”
“KIMBERLY! Calm down I was just messing with you.” He said.
“What are you talking about?” She said to him crying in disbelief.
“Kimberly LeiAnn Choo-Bowen how could I forget the day that we were married and you know good and well that I love you to death. I was only ignoring you because I did not want to ruin the surprise that I had planned for you.” He said laughing.
“Oh….. I love you too” She said with a smile.
“Sorry, I did not mean to upset you. I just did not want to ruin your tenth anniversary surprise. Now I know not to do that anymore.” He said with a grin.
“It’s okay maybe I just cannot take a joke, but at least I know you do care and that you did not forget about our anniversary.” She said.

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